Xie Lisa pretended to be calm about it and didn't stop them, but normally she didn't let anyone touch the swings.

Gao Taehyung and her squatted beside the pond, and she hesitated for a while before asked, "Do you know..."

She was mumbling and stuttering, seeming to be quite embarrassed. Anticipating her question, Gao Taehyung seemed to be anxious for as long as half a day before she finally asked, "Do you know where Gao Wendy bought her hairpin from?"

Gao Taehyung asked, "You like that one?"

It wasn't that she liked it, but it was just that if she knew where to buy it, then she could find a similar one and bring it back. As long as she placed it on Ah Niang's dressing table, she wouldn't suspect a thing.

Despite this, she couldn't tell him the truth, and could only heavily nod her head. "I think it looks pretty good."

Gao Taehyung thought that his chance had finally arrived, and hurriedly said to the little fairy, "I gave that hairpin to Big Sis for her eighth birthday, so of course I know where to buy it from! If you like it, then I'll buy one for you tomorrow!"

Xie Lisa's eyes lit up, and they sparkled as she asked, "Really? Can you bring me there? I want to look around!"

Gao Taehyung's eyes were even brighter than hers as he answered, "Of course, of course!"

Having removed the large burden in her heart, Xie Lisa was full of smiles, and sincerely said, "Thank you! You're truly a good person!"

Gao Taehyung's heart immediately exploded with happiness, and he felt that she was shining so bright that it made him dizzy.

It was just that he had forgotten, the next day was actually the Mid-autumn festival, and he'd already made plans to go out with Li Jungkook...Ah, never mind, he could just go with both of them.


At that time, Xie Yeri was still tirelessly following after Gao Wendy.

Gao Wendy was a little annoyed, so she asked, "Why do you keep on following me?"

Xie Yeri was shorter than her by a head, so she craned her neck to look at the hairpin, and step by step she followed after her. "Can, can you let me see your hairpin?"

The longer she looked at it the more it looked like Mother's hairpin, so she wanted to know if Gao Wendy could give it to her. If they placed it back on Mother's dressing table, would Mother  find out?

Gao Wendy had zero interest in the courtyard. She'd dressed up so well just for Xie Hanbin...but after going round and round, she still hadn't caught a glimpse of him, and due to her disappointment she was a little impatient.

Gao Wendy replied, "No way, don't follow me anymore."

Xie Yeri widened her footsteps as she ran after Gao Wendy, and in a businesslike tone said, "I just want to get a glimpse of it...Just a glimpse!" Saying this she pointed one pudgy finger up to show that she just wanted one look at it.

Still, Gao Wendy was completely unaffected by her pleas and arrogantly said, "Even one glimpse is not allowed. I really like this hairpin, what if you accidentally break it?"

Xie Yeri rushed to deny this, "I won't!"

Again and again she continued to pester Gao Wendy, and reached out to grab her sleeve, softly pleading, "Big Sister Gao Wendy.."

That was Gao Wendys newest set of clothes, so how could she bear to just let Xie Yeri grab it like that? At that time she was quite annoyed, and pushed her away, saying, "If I say that you cannot then you cannot!"

Xie Yeri lost her balance and was pushed quite far away.

It almost seemed like she would crash into the fake mountain. the fake mountain was quite rough and full of rocks, if she crashed into it, she would probably get injured and start bleeding. From afar Xie Lisa saw this scene, and she anxiously ran over, yelling, "Xie Yeri!"

When she was rushing over, Xie Yeri was already in a familiar embrace.

Raising her head, she saw her big brother Xie Hanbin.

Xie Yeri was was slightly aggrieved, and pursed her lips wanting to cry, "Big brother..."

Xie Hanbin tightly held her and patted her head before turning to look at Gao Wendy. His expression was stern, and he frowned. Even at a young age, he looked incredibly imposing.

Even without saying anything, he already made people feel quite pressured.


Qiansui: 千岁 means one thousand years old, which is a reference to the long lives of turtles.

The hairstyle that Gao Wendy is sporting looks like this:

Fake Mountain: Basically some rocks stacked together artfully.

Mid-Autumn Festival:

An important festival to the Chinese,the festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar when there is a full moon, which is about late September to early October of the Gregorian calendar. Most people celebrate with their family and friends by eating mooncakes, carrying and releasing brightly lit lanterns and watching lion dances. Some people also burn incense to moon deities like Chang E', who is a famous chinese characeter who some believe to be living on the moon.

There are also many shops selling sweets and some people also set off fireworks on the streets, which is why Gao Taehyung planned to go out with Li Jungkook.

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