What the frick you two...;Bobsip and Balbot

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I AM SO FUCKING SORRY. IM SORRY MASKED, FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS BUT I HAD A VACATION THaT LONG IM SORRY- here to repay here's a chapter but something rare that I don't usually do angst that is the chapter and yes ill continue the smut chapter tmr i promise sorry for the very long delay.


A loud yawn had filled the noiseless room. Someone woke up. It was Bosip the half merman shark-boy that woken up from his short nap he had from tirelessly dropping 20 feet in the air in Minecraft dropper. Why did he go there? Well his dumb but handsome boyfriend Bob asked everyone on the file share asked to play a different Minecraft game other than the original. They were skeptical at first well to be fair Bobal and Bofo since Bobal doesn't give a shit to him nor does the otaku brunette trust him either due to the two getting blown up my 10 super-charged creepers in one night. For Bofo a different scenario. The blue-mouthed boy couldn't stop dabbing across the room at late night at 1am in the morning. Bofo walked in looking at the scene at the bluenette dabbing with his yellow duck pajamas on. He had to knock him out with a  shiny new frying pan because Bob didn't cooperate to sleep. Now back to the story.

Bosip stretched his arms far and wide and got out of his comfy bed and redressed himself to his proper attire for the day (No horny you bonks.) and went outside to meet with his friends but no boyfriend in sight. He didn't think much and thought to himself he was having a good dream about a landfill of noodles all for him. He kept having the same fantasy by repeat and never stop talking about it. That didn't mind his boyfriend being a chatterbox he'd care for less for that. He liked his features, HIS VERY DUMB features. For example how dumb he can be when he can't get a simple question right or how clumsy he is since he can't atop being excited over leftover spoiled ramen that was left outside that Bosip had to take care of the matter. He meant everything to him from his silky soft skin to his beautiful wavy blue hair and-


He was suddenly snapped back into reality. He looked around frantically and looked at the clock. 3pm it was, he zoned for almost 5 minutes and half 30 seconds. The blonde looked at ghe scene where Bowaev was pointing finger his index finger at Bobal holding both hands in the air showing that he had nothing on him as if he was a criminal being caught red-handed. Bosip was in deep confusion on what was going on then something grabbed his ankle that made him flinch in surprise. Looking down he saw his terrified partner just curling a ball shaped form from his body. 

"Bob? What are you doing down here and why is are the two small stunted boys pointing and and investigating eachother?" Questioned the blue-irised male then suddenly the whole door bursted open. "Give.me.my.fricking.furball." Bobot demanded then swooping the smaller with a minute and dashed off.

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