The gremlin averts eyes oh redhead:Balbot

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HEheheheehheeh hello yall first chapter hah.. 😩✋ this type is fluff and wholesome


"It's this type of year again..."

It is this type of year again for bnb gang in the household. January was a GREAT month until disaster hits in. Valentines day specifically on the 14th. The month where you confess you're crush that you love, romantic gifts, dates, outings and more this month will be hectic and full of teasing. Why you ask? Remember these 2 anti-social bakas Bobal and Bobot? Yeah that's them, they're gonna have a rough time this month  that is definition of "love".

"I'm serious man! They're gonna plan something and I know it! God they're fucking annoying even blue bitch." The brunette angrily folded his arms after ending his speech "Bobal hon I know you hate this type of month but hey. You have me right now, we can go out together outside." He assured him which made the elf boy grumble slightly and turned his head away in annoyance and insecurity. He didn't want to be called "a shy boy".

The material boy had enough of his nonsense and slowly took his chin making the smaller face front from the surprised action. His eyes widened and then turned pink , his ears were twitching crazily and averted eye contacted on his partner embarrassed on the situation. He regretted this moment.

"Listen here sweetie. Please just one time we go out that's it. The rest we can cuddle inside the house and watch anime with you're plushies does that sound like a deal?" Looking in his eyes for an answer but the brunette sincerely kissed him on his toes to reach him so he wouldn't answer. The air became thick and awkward because of his unknown ulterior motive.

"You know what? Let's go out I'm in the mood to see some sun." The smaller averted eyes still light pink from the move Bobot did. The masked boy agreed in mind and grabbed the shorter and kissed him softly.

February and Valentine SPECIAL!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant