Family Troubles- Dimitrescu Family

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"Mommy?" A small voice calls out wearily. Tiny feet pad against the checkered tile as the child tiptoes down the eerie hallway. They hug a crocheted bumble bee under their arm, squeezing the plush towards their chest as they wander. Despite the tears beginning to bubble in the corners of their eyes, they push forward in their venture with a mild tremble, stumbling past tall doors and the looming figures of knights' armor.

Luckily, their big sister comes to the rescue. The familiar swarm of concentrated files materializes before the child instantaneously, revealing the eldest of their siblings. Bela elegantly lowers herself upon her knees to face her sibling better. Her lower lip tugs into a pout as she observes the child's watery eyes and puffy cheeks.

"Where are you going, little one? You should be in bed." She questions, her tone soothing and warm.

"Mommy!" The little one belts out in relief. They run towards Bela, wrapping their arms around the vampire's neck. Bela sighs as she hugs the child close. She presses a hand to their back to hold them in place as she stands up from the floor. Once standing straight, Bela repositions her arm beneath the child's bum and the other supporting their back.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Bela asks in a soothing timbre, gently bouncing her siblings' bodies to calm their cries.

"I heard something scary coming from outside, so I went to find you. I tried going to Dani first, but she had her door locked, and Cassie said she'd be in the basement tonight. So, I couldn't go to her. Please, can I stay with you tonight? I'm scared..." They cry, face buried into their sister's shoulder.

"You have nothing to fear, my child. When you're with me, Cassandra, and Dani, nothing can hurt you, ever. We will slay any monster who dares to harm you. If it eases your mind, though, I will stay with you tonight." Bela reassures, placing a kiss on top of their head. "Now, let's get you back in bed." She mumbles, carrying the child away from the dark hall and into the safety of her room.

"Okay, mommy." The toddler sniffles while relaxing against Bela.


"You can't leave your door locked at night." Bela begins, stepping from the front of her sister's bed to around the side.

She came to Daniela's room the morning after the incident. Not to reprimand her younger sister, no. Not now, at least. They can not allow another scare like last night to occur again. It happened once before. A maid had snuck out from her quarters in the middle of the night, and the noise woke the little one up.

Frightened, they wandered down the hall to find their sister's room. With a lack of vision from crying and the darkness surrounding them, they bumped straight into the corner of one of the many desks pressed against the castle walls. The child walked around with a bump the size of a gulf ball upon their forehead for a week.

"Yelena had a little scare last night. She went straight to your door and found it locked. Then, Lena couldn't find my room in the dark and started looking around for me. She could've fallen down the stairs in her search. That is why you need to leave your door unlocked at night. Or at least leave it unlocked when Cassandra is not available." She explains, trying her best to keep from sounding angry or as if she were patronizing her sister.

"Oh no! Is she okay? I didn't mean to keep it locked, I swear! I was reading and forgot to unlock it after I finished." Daniela panics. She lifts her hands to her head and begins tugging at her hair anxiously.

"Dani, please, calm down. Yelena is perfectly safe. She's with Cassandra right now. Please, relax. You did nothing wrong." Bela coaxes, resting a hand on her sister's arm and giving the limb a gentle squeeze.

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