Papyrus Finds A Human

Start from the beginning

"Really again and I like how chill you are with the situation" Chara knew Papyrus was more alert than that while Sans seemed pretty chill with everything going on maybe he is just used to it at this point. In some point in time everything becomes predictable. Sans thought it was weird both him and his brother were so different. Sans was usually better at hiding his emotions but he seemed annoyed no matter how 'chill' he was acting. Another thing that Papyrus was definitely weird he hoped it was just from lack of sleep and nothing serious.

WHAT!?!? Oh...

"T-the that doesn't make any sense the h-human left before you h-how did you get in front of them so fast?" It didn't seem to make much sense the human left before they did but they made it up the path before the human their wasn't much before Snowdin and they still would have crossed paths...Gaster was interested at how Papyrus did it magic most likely but the how still escaped him fascinating.


"Paps that's a single bear trap it's not really blocking the path either and it's kinda dangerous if someone else stepped in it by accident" sans looked over at Papyrus silence. "Pap?" sans tried to get his brother attention but it seemed that even he was befuddled at himself. "NYEH?" Papyrus was indeed confused as it did seem that he was stranger than he thought but he also wondered why he would use a bear trap I mean those are dangerous what if a monster accidentally stepped in it cause they were blind. "Err I wouldn't worry too much Papyrus I mean even Doggo would know it's a bear but trap so I doubt it would actually hurt anyone." Undyne wasn't the best at cheering people up but she always found herself trying. "BUT WHAT IF SOMEONE TRIPPED AND FELL AND TRIGGERED THE TRAP IT WOULD BE MY FAULT THAT THEY Got hurt..." sans didn't like the way Papyrus stopped speaking in caps he was really upset. "well I guess I'll just have to stop you from using any bear traps" sans gently held Papyrus "it's okay bro" Papyrus teared up a little "thank you brother" it was the quietest Papyrus has ever spoken "WELL LET US SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT" sans looked at his brother it seemed he wanted to pretend everything was normal sans was always a bit afraid that Papyrus would pick up his habit of hiding his feelings he would have to talk to him later about that.

that kid sure knows how to get out of a STICKky situation

"WHY BROTHER" Papyrus lamented the fact that he would be besieged by puns even in the future even if he did think they were funny Sans did it too much and he hated when he used repeated material. "what wood you do without me I'll guess I'll have to branch out in the future" sans waited for Papyrus to notice. "YES WELL—WAIT A MINUTE REALLY SANS" Papyrus did indeed notice the pun ugh he'll have to listen to puns from on screen sans and sans next to him. "Well have to stem your anger somehow woodn't we Sans" Toriel could see the little skeleton Eyelights turn to stars while Papyrus groaned as he now had to deal with more people making puns. Gaster chuckled at Papyrus misfortune. "L-let's log this conversation for l-later we c-can kindle t-this conversation another time" Alphys thought puns were funny but wasn't confident enough to make them usually. "NO NOT YOU TO ALPHYS HOW COULD YOU HAVE JOINED THE DARKSIDE STILL CHARA, ASRIEL, AND UNDYNE YOUR ON MY SIDE RIGHT" Papyrus couldn't believe it sans was infecting everyone with his puns. "Don't worry Papyrus I wood never" Chara smiled as they joined in. "Yeah Punk I woodn't dream of it" Undyne joined in mostly because of Alphys but also because she knew Papyrus was gonna loose it. "It's plank to see what everyone's doing" Asgore wasn't good at making puns but he still wanted to join in. "CHARA! ASGORE! UNDYNE HOW COULD YOU ALL BETRAY ME!" Papyrus couldn't believe everyone was making puns it was worst than he thought at least Asriel and Gaster were on his side. "Don't worry Papyrus I'm on your side" Asriel was starting to feel bad for Papyrus with everyone ganging up on him. "THANK YOU PRINCE ASRIEL" Papyrus was glad at least someone was on his side. "Papyrus calm yourself I wood not have thought that you would join in Undyne it's Fishy if you ask me I'm going to go out on a Fin and say you Joined because of Alphys." Gaster also joined in with everyone but Asriel joining in. "NOOOOOO I HAVE BEEN BETRAYED BY EVERYONE BUT ASRIEL I HAVE BEEN SUCH A SAP I WILL SHRUB THIS OFF FOR NOW AS I DO NO WANT TO GET INTO THE THICKET OF THINGS" Papyrus suddenly felt Sans shaking next to him. Sans felt absolutely giddy he shook and shivered with happiness rattling his bones with joy. Papyrus was happy to see Sans so happy it wasn't often he saw sans so absolutely happy like this he even had stars for Eyelights. "You good punk?" Undyne had never seen Sans like this before. "Huh oh yeah I just got a Little giddy" Papyrus was surprised Sans must have been pretty happy he even capitalized two words. Gaster had never seen Sans like this interesting.

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