A Fallen Star - 1

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The day was slowly coming to a close, the sun falling down to the horizon and sending a beautiful golden glow across the generally flat land which Tonio had been traversing. He was on his way home after a long and rather tiring day in the market, doing his best to sell whatever crops or dairy items he had a surplus of in order to make some extra money. He was tired, and so was his horse, but they'd make it home just fine. They did every other time, today would be no different.

The air felt rather dry and cool, the winds bringing few clouds into view, and what little there was in the sky was painted gold by the sun's set. Tonio would never get sick of how beautiful it was, which is why he'd always stay out here. The beauty of these rolling plains and the lovely little town so close by kept him happy, he didn't need much other than what he had. Sure, he had desires, but he didn't really need a new wagon. What he had was plenty, and he was content.

As the sun set, the stars started to shine dully. Finally, Tonio arrived back home and dismounted from his horse, bringing her aside and into her stable. It was worn, but well taken care of. The locks had just recently been replaced on the doors though, which made it have a newer feel which Tonio rather enjoyed. Once she was inside, he went and got her some hay, some water and whatever feed he had left in the very bottom of the feed barrel. He'd have to buy more tomorrow from the market. Today was simply a day to sell or trade, though Tonio rarely traded for anything. He didn't need all too much that he couldn't buy.

He said goodnight to his loyal steed, giving her a rub on the nose and a smile. She had been with him for ten years now, and he knew that when he got her she wasn't the youngest. He didn't know how much longer he could keep using her to haul the wagon. He didn't want to hurt or overwork her. On his way back to his house, he kicked his boots on the side of the porch to get off extra dust before he headed inside. His home was humble. No need for anything too big or fancy, though he would occasionally indulge in kitchen related items. Tonio had always liked to cook.

Tonight he wouldn't make something too fancy considering how tired he was from such a long day. He looked around for a lamp to use. There it was. The good old oil lamp. Tonio was far from unfortunate, but it would be a miracle if he could get his hands on anything electric at all. His home wasn't on the grid at all, but he didn't mind. He lit the lamp and carried it along with him to the kitchen. Did he have anything leftover? Barely anything, but he should really finish it so it didn't go bad. In front of his kitchen counter was a window facing the stables, but he could perfectly see the stars, now much more vibrant in the darker skies. It got dark rather quickly.

As he looked down to start preparing some food with what he already had, something caught his eye. From the very corner of what he could see, a bright light in the sky. He looked back up and squinted to get a better look, quickly noticing that the light was moving rather quickly. More than quickly, actually. Whatever the light was, it quickly began to plummet from the skies. Hold on a moment.. Tomio rubbed his eyes and looked again. That was getting dangerously close to his home, and it wasn't stopping. He set down his knives and quickly headed outside. A pang of fear struck his heart as the object continued to plummet to the ground.

Tonio soon realized, very thankfully, that whatever it was falling from the sky was not going to hit his home or his stable, but rather a hay field around a few hundred yards behind. He let out a relieved sigh, though it soon turned into a gasp of shock when he heard a loud boom. The falling.. well, thing, had fallen to the earth. Tonio thought to himself for a moment. Should he investigate? On one hand, he was rather terrified, but on the other, he had heard rumors of precious metals and stars falling from the sky. If it was something he could sell and get a lot of money from, he could definitely use it to get the materials necessary for a second stable and maybe even a second horse, which he knew he'd need soon. He bit his bottom lip as he thought, his hand going to unbuckle the holster on his waist.

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