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Aether ran around Liyue Harbor, not waiting for Xiao to catch up. Xiao chased after him, although he was hardly out of breath. He could keep running for days, but he'd prefer to catch Aether first. Aether ran to Wanmin, the place his friend, Xiangling, works.

"Hey! Ah, haven't found out how to transform back into a human yet, Aether?"


Xiangling placed a strange device infront of Aether. It looked like... a cat toy? Oddly enough, Aether was interested. he batted at the toy, rolling around as Xiao caught up to him. Xiao tackled Aether, and they played for awhile before Xiao and Aether were laying next to each other, purring and grooming each other.

133 words, i apologize lolol these might be pretty short and i'm not rlly the best writer 😅😅 //

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