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I sat on the stairway going down from the church, gazing at the world that had appeared. The person that I had encountered as I opened the door sat beside me.

"So you're saying-" she started.
"That I just appeared in this world a second ago? Yes," I interrupted. I kept looking at the enormous tree in front of the church.
"That happened to me too," she said quietly. I turned my head and looked at her, directly into her (e/c) eyes.

"Really?" I asked curiously, still looking into her eyes. She looked away before she answered.
"Yes," she started. "It happened three days ago. I woke up under the tree," she pointed at the tree. "And I was chased away by the others that are here," she explained. I nodded and looked at my hands.

"Not a dream..." I whispered, looking at the usual shape of my hands. They say that one sign that you might be in a dream is when your hands look different from reality; my hands were as normal as ever.

"I'm (y/n), by the way," she smiled,
"I'm Joseph," I smiled back. I thought for a second before standing up. "I need to look around," I started. "I know parts of this world, and I have been given a task," she nodded as I spoke.

"I'll stay here," she smiled as she also stood up. She reached behind her back and grabbed something; her gun. "You'll need this" she handed me the gun and smiled. "Good Luck"

I watched as she walked inside the church; I wondered what she was doing here, and if she was the only person that knew something was wrong with this world. But then I remembered something important. This was my memory, this wasn't reality; so that must mean she isn't real, but I've never met her before...

Her presence must have a purpose. The Voice must have placed her here for a reason. My mission here wasn't just to repay for my sins...

I sighed, placing my right hand on my forehead as I did. I looked down at the ground, before deciding what to do. Figure it out as I proceed. I held my gun tighter and walked away from the church...


The watch on my wrist told me that I had been here for three hours; and yet I knew nothing.

I had taken down multiple of my followers and narrowly managed to finish a task that gave me a bow. But even with all the damage that I had successfully survived from, no wounds could be found on my body. I was confused by this, and wondered what it would take to kill me; if I even could die.

I did have some sort of stimpak; which also made me confused since it was a fictional object from a video game that John had shown me one time. It seemed to fully heal me when I felt close to death.

Yet, even with the fully-healing syringe, and my new weapon, I felt tired. And I decided to head back to the church. I felt non-human with everything that was going on, but what reminded me that I actually was human, was my human emotions.

As I neared the church, something stopped me. Footsteps could be heard behind me, and I was suddenly pushed hard in the back. I fell over and dropped my handgun.

"It's over now, Father!" a voice cried out and as I prepared myself for what would happen, a gunshot could be heard, but I experienced no pain. And just then did I realize-

"Joseph!" (y/n)'s voice echoed through my ears as she placed her hands on my shoulders and helped me up. "Are you okay?" she asked, and I nodded.
"Yeah, just tired"

She smiled and put her arm on my shoulder. She led me inside and we sat down on one of the benches inside of the church. We sat in silence for a while, until she spoke,

"How did things go?" she asked softly. She also squeezed my shoulder before I answered.

"Fairly well, I would say," I lightly smiled.
"Do you want to lay down?" she asked and started to get up. I nodded, and smiled as a 'thank you." Her footsteps became quieter, and my eyelids became heavier as I wondered if I would wake up in the bunker again, and that this was just a dream...

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