Chapter 8: Back Home

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you don't want me to bring a chef up here, sir?" The bellhop says coming from the master bedroom. "It may be late, but never too late for you, sir-"

"Bring them up here for breakfast in the morning, I'd prefer it done discreetly, in case she chooses to sleep." Bakugou nudges his head in your direction.

You make eye contact with the bellhop for the first time and his eyes widen. "Is that... Iridescence?"

You look around awkwardly. You didn't think anyone would recognize you. "Hey?" You chuckle.

A grin grows on his face. He looks over at Bakugou waiting for permission to act out of character. Bakugou then looks at you, you nod. He nods. The bellhop comes up to you and vigorously shakes your hand. "I'm such a big fan! I-It's an honor to meet you!"

"Oh," you smile. "Thank you."

"After you disappeared everyone became so worried, we-"

Bakugou grunts, which the bellhop infers that it's his time to leave. He clears his throat and brings himself back to his composure, "I hope you enjoy your stay. Please feel free to book with us at any time."

"I'm expecting you to keep this interaction between us private, right?" Bakugou says.

"Yes, sir." The man does a quick bow and steps onto his elevator. "Of course." Once the elevator door closes completely, Bakugou makes his way towards you.

"How does it feel meeting a fan after all these years?" He smiles.

"I didn't think I'd still have any." You thought everyone would have forgotten about you. Just like they had with other heroes. Especially after Izuku's come up. But knowing you had at least one supporter left you content.

You sigh and close your eyes. "Katsuki, I hope you didn't buy this huge suite just because I'm with you. I'm guessing it's 4,000 square feet-"

"45,000 square feet." He corrects. "When I was younger, I had everything handed to me because of my parents' successes. I often dreamt of not being pampered and dressed. Being told how to act, what to wear. I fucking hated it." Bakugou's parents didn't die like yours, they just simply didn't give a shit about him or his opinion.

Bakugou was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder when he turned thirteen. His mother would make him overdose on medicine so he would be able to behave on stage and during interviews.

His mother was a strong woman. Some would say she was the true man in the marriage with his father. No matter how much Mitsuki would mouth off, she adored her husband and son. She just used anger to show it. Mitsuki took her fashion designing business very seriously and would do anything to remain on top of it.

Masaru was a timid man. Hard to believe he and Mitsuki get along as well as they do. They agreed on pretty much everything. Except when it came to Katsuki. Masaru would sneak him pieces of candy and unhealthy foods while his mother wanted him to remain on a strict model diet.

Bakugou continued to speak, "I've gotten over my past though. Nowadays, I can afford any damn thing I want without anyone's help. So I'm going to buy unnecessary shit, just because I can." Bakugou ran the tips of his fingers down your sweet spot, causing you to let out a shaky breath. He had memorized all your sensitive spots. "I don't have everything I want though."

Bakugou wanted you. Inside and out. He wanted your flaws; he wanted your perfections. He wanted lewd things, too. And he was going to have it.

Being next to you drove him fucking crazy. The way the scent of (your favorite perfume) lingered on you. The softness of your skin was. He places his hand on your chin and rubs your bottom lip with his thumb.

The look in your eyes told him you had the same need for lust as he did. You were just better at controlling yourself. You nudge your head away. Bakugou was getting you off track and it was pissing you off. Especially after reminiscing the words that constantly rang through your head. Get the hell out of my life. "I thought we were here for my stalker. I don't recall this being a sex-cation." You say pushing past him.


You're already to the hallway door frame when you spin around to face him. "Don't fucking Y/n me like I'm the one in the wrong here. I don't know if you remember the last thing you said to me before our break up. But I remember it vividly."

He balls his fists. Bakugou knows he ruined things, but if you would just give him the chance to fix it. He wouldn't fuck it up this time. But he also knew that those words weren't the only reason you constantly pushed him away. There was something you weren't telling him, and he was going get to the bottom of it.

"You told the guy to bring the bags to the master bedroom, right? Then I'm sleeping in there. Find somewhere else to crash for the night." You called over your shoulder.

Bakugou walks up behind you. "Want me to prove how much you mean to me?"

You roll your eyes. "Dumbass, that's not what I-"

He kisses you.

Bakugou was a spoiled brat, and he knew it.

He wanted you, and unless you told him no, unless you told him you didn't want him...

He was going to fucking have you.

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