Volume 2 Chapter 2: Intertwined Fates

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Previously: She kicked him in the spine and then slammed his face into the ground. She leaped into the air and caught the ball. She was sent flying into the wall but refused to let go of the ball. The old man got up from the ground and glared at her with deadly intent but then calmed down almost instantly. "You win, what do you want to know?" He sat down and smiled genuinely at her. She sat down up against the wall and threw the ball back to him. "What do you know about the Kurta Clan?"

Meanwhile somewhere else: Killua is sitting in his family's throne with a slim but strong muscular build. Eating a chocolate bar as he stared down his entire family with a cold and serious look on his face.

Zeno: "What are you going to do now?"

Killua: "Obviously, I'm going to keep getting stronger. I have a promise to keep." He clenched his right hand and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

While Gon was taking to the chairman, Uvogin & Nobunaga are eating in the cafeteria and a strange clown named Hisoka shows up trying to pick a fight. He gets interrupted by the pilot announcing them getting closer to their next test location.

The blimp stopped above the tower and Gon walked towards the ledge without any hesitation. She dropped down and rolled forward.

Gon was followed by her two companions, they all three stepped on a revolving slab. They landed gracefully in a room full of riddles and numbers. Uvo just punched through the walls until he found the one that led to the next room.

They walked down a dark hallway only to find a room full of beasts and recently eaten corpses. Uvo and Nobunaga stepped forward and smirked slightly with excitement. "Save your strength, we got this mini me." Uvo said as he cracked his knuckles, neck, and the rest of his tense joints.

But she didn't take his advice and grabbed the hilt of her Ōdachi that was over her shoulder and resting on her back in it's sheathe. She walked towards them and then disappeared from sight. She leaped over them both and spun around while she sent slashes of electricity towards the several beasts in their way. She landed gracefully in front of her two friends with her sheathing her sword.

She turned her head and smiled,"I'm here to push past my limits. I have to become stronger in order to crush the entirety of the kurta clan." They both smirked slightly with excitement. "That's what I like to hear mini me!" "Miss Gon, you are so cute. I'm looking forward to seeing you grow even stronger." She lit up and they headed towards the next test.

Back to Killua: He crouched down on the ledge interviewing his new target. He licked his lips and leaped towards the moving train. He landed gracefully and pulled out two daggers laced with deadly poison. He slipped into a open window and slit the throat of the first man in sight. He sprinted down the narrow space and dodged every bullet and sharp blade that was sent his way. "I need to get faster!"

Back to Gon: She leaped to and from each platform that had pressure plates that activated traps. She sliced up every arrow. She landed gracefully onto the last platform and sensed ten times the arrows and bullets coming her way. From above, below, left and right. She grabbed the hilt of her Ōdachi sword and started glowing gold. She had her eyes closed and she saw the projectiles encased in nen. They were getting too close for comfort. She pulled out her sword and sliced through them all at lightning speeds. Her precision was almost flawless, but she missed two arrows. She scoffed annoyed with herself. "Damnit, my stamina and speed isn't good enough yet!"

Back to Killua: He approached his target cowering in fear over the crimson red dripping off his daggers and silver white hair. He had a intense emptiness written across his face but deep down his heart was still alive. He had once thing in his mind that wasn't corrupted or filthy like his actions. He wants to see her again. His good emotions were being protected by a barrier of sorts, made out of Nen.

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