The First Day

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The LA's sunshine comes into my room hitting my eyes. It wakes me up in a very soft way. I'm starting to fall inlove with this city. But then my peaceful morning is ruined when I see my watch. Damn it! It's 11 am!! I should be ready by now. I take a quick shower and I don't even know what to wear. This is freaking me out!! We're gonna be touring the city the whole day, so I should wear something comfortable. So, I choose a pair of dukes, a rock n' roll vintage t-shirt, a pair of sandals and a matching hat.

My driver is here, The moment is getting closer and closer. I text Adam to let him know that I'm on my way. Idk if he's gonna see the text, after all he must be busy shooting the music video. But the he answers me back: "I'm waiting for you. Tell your name to the security people, they'll let you go in - Adam." I feel so VIP right now. It's Friday, I'm pretty sure there are lots of things to do in here, specially on weekends. I haven't go party in months because I being really busy. I hope Adam is on the mood to dance or drink a little bit. Anyway I'm just gonna let myself go and follow his "fabulous plan".


And here I am. The first thing I notice is the huge warehouse in front of me. There's a lot of people everywhere, I'm really lost right now. I don't know what to do or where to go. I call Adam, but he must be busy because he doesn't answer me. I'm so overwhelmed, What am I doing here?! - Suddenly a guy grabs my back and scares me so bad.

- Aahhh!! - I can't avoid screaming.

- Excuse me miss, but are you allowed to be here??

- Well, I don't know... I'm looking for Adam Levine. My name is Behati Prinsloo. He's waiting for me.

- Let me confirm. - He pulls out his phone and calls someone. If he's calling Adam is probably a waste of time because he didn't answer me - Hey Shawn. I'm here with a girl that says that Adam is waiting for her. - Honestly I'm a little bit nervous - Her name is...

- Be Ha Ti Prins Loo - I say emphasizing each syllable and I can notice a smile on his face. It seems like he's making fun of me.

- Be Ja Ti Prins Loo - He says to the person in the other side. He obviously mispronounce it, but that's ok - Alright Ms. Prinsloo, please come with me. The guys are in the middle of a scene but, they're about to finish and you were right, Adam is waiting for you. He has being telling everybody to treat you really well.

- Really? That's sweet of him. - I'm blushing.

- Do you wanna drink or eat something? You can wait for him in his trailer or I can take you to the set. It's up to you.

- I think I wanna go to the set. I wouldn't feel comfortable getting into his trailer. - And also I really see him right now. I can't wait any longer.

- Perfect. Right this way.

This looks like a huge production. Cameras, Sound and Extras. The director just cut the scene and he yelled "That's a wrap everybody! We're done". Everybody seems really happy, apparently they have being working since really early morning. And just looking around, the environment it's so full of joy and great energy. I can't avoid to smile.

- Bee!!!

I turn around and I see a boxer. Then I realized that yes, that's Adam. He's running towards me. His tattoos are so cool and his smile brights up the room. He was about to hug me but he's wearing those giant gloves.

- This is Awkard - He says, then we both laugh for a minute. - Hi - With or without gloves he hugs me really strong.

- Hi... I don't even know what to say hahahaha.

Adam Levine & Behati Prinsloo Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now