Open Book.

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Phone Rings:

Hello - I answer


Oh my God! Hearing that simple word already makes me crumble. This is so silly, but I can't avoid. It's like he could control me in some way. 

Oh, Hi Adam! How are you? - I sound like such a fangirl, control yourself Behati!

I'm better now that I'm talking you - Stop it Adam!! - But most important How are you cutie?

- I'm really good! I just left a VS photoshoot, it was really great - I replied

- Nice! Actually I need to talk to you about it. My band's manager, Jordan just call me to tell me that you can't be part of our music video because you have something else with VS

- Well, It's true, but I was hoping that maybe you guys could leave the shooting of the video for some other day. I don't know if it's possible...

- No bae. That's impossible. Everything is already settle down. This is the worst coincide ever! -  I can feel the disapoinment in his voice

I'm really sorry... I didn't expect this to happen - I couldn't feel any worse right now

- It's ok. Don't worry about it. To be honest all I really wanted was to see you. I can't get over last night's conversation - Oh my God, he's so cute right now! - Behati, I can't go to NYC right now but could you please come to LA. I'm dying to meet you. Pleaseeee!!!

- Hahahahaha, chill... - All the doubts I had before are gone, thanks to Candy. I'm gonna give a jump of faith just because of him - Ok Adam. Let's meet. I'm gonna be in LA next week shooting for VS, so I guess I can stay a little bit...

- That's all I wanted to hear. It's finally happening. I'm gonna give you the best LA tour, in that way you won't ever leave this city. I promise

I already have a reason to do not leave LA Adam, but I can't let you know that yet.

Well, thank you Mr. Levine. I'm already looking for it - Wow, I just heard a little bit of security in my voice

Alright sugar. I get to leave you, but I'll call you later. I want another talk just like last night's. 

- Can't wait. Bye.

Ok, so... Bad News: I won't be part of the M5 video, Damn it! But Good News: I'll finally meet Adam next week and tonight we'll talk again just like last night... A huge smile just appeared in my face. 

The thing about last night's conversation and the reason why I keep saying it was really intense it's because how spicy it was. It started like always, we just laughed about every single silly stupid thing, then he open his book and let me know the most private aspects of his life, his recently break up, his biggest weakness, fears and how much love he has to offer. It was really moving at that point, I told him many private aspects about my life as well. I think that was the moment where we reached some level of trust that allowed us to talk with such confidence. But then... there was a drastic change. 

From one moment to another we started talking about exciting adventures, getting to know the world and things that really attract us. And for some reason the conclusion was a carnal act. At the end of the day there's not better adventure than Sex, we know it and it's completely attractive to us. We have a lot of things in common, specially the free way we can talk about sex and even feel it just by talking, it's crazy! I mean it when I say that I could talk to him forever and I really want to do it.


 Finally home, it was a long day. I ran all over NYC today, but I asked for a pizza and now I can take a well deserve rest. I really need to relax. 

(Phone Rings)

God! I almost forgot the best part about tonight's. Adam is calling... What a better way to get relax.


- Hey Beautiful.

- Hi Addy... How are you?

-  I'm great. Did you miss me?

- Well... I missed your voice hehe

- That's enough, for now... I'm gonna make you miss and desire me once we meet.

Oh Goshh... How's possible he sounds so sexy just throught a phone call.

Damn it Adam. You really wanna do this, Right?

- Yeah babe. Last night was amazing. I don't know about you, but it really affected me and today I couldn't stop thinking about you. Just looking for this moment.

- Wow... I really can't imagine what you're gonna do once we meet.

- Don't you wanna give it a guess? 

- Adam, stop it... - *whispers*

I can't, and most important I don't want to stop. It's out of my control. The last couple of months, you changed every perspective I had about my life Behati. 

- What you mean? I haven't done anything...

- Yes, you did. You're everything I was always looking for. I wish I had meet you a long time ago, and just start talking about pearl jam like the first time we talk.

- I know. It was like... time stopped just for us, to talk and let it all go. In that very moment all I was thinking was that I gain your friendship, and I always loved it. I don't really wanna ruin that.

- We won't. Behati all I really want is to give us a try. We deserve it. We both dealed with very heavy relationships, I think this is the right thing to do and there isn't a better moment to do it, and move on... together. 

Together... He wants to give us a try? He really wants to be with me. Could it be true? Does he want to move on from Anne with me?, Am I a rebound? or Is he feeling so lonely and that's why he wants to be with me? - The doubts are killing me. I already made my choice, I'm gonna give myself a chance to be risky and just let myself go. I'm a free person and I really want this to happen. I'm just gonna follow my gut. 

- Ok Adam. The truth is that I do need this. I'll go LA next week to meet you and I really hope we can just have a blast.

- Thanks Bee. I know it can be a little bit hard to trust in me, but I promise you I will make you feel much more confident about me... about us. 

- Can't wait.

- Me neither. 

Adam Levine & Behati Prinsloo Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now