City of Angels

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It was a loooong week. I had to work so much, but now that's in the past because today I'm going to LA. I have to do some work for VS today but tomorrow I'm finally meeting Adam, and that's all I being looking for. I just can't wait to finally see him and talk to him. I have to admmit that it's a little bit scary because we have great chemistry talking by the phone or texting each other, but it could be different in person, and I definetely don't want that. I really hope that the guy that I met throught e-mails and phone calls, it's the same guy that I'm meeting tomorrow. It's gonna be an awesome weekend, I can feel it!


Six hours later and I'm finally landing in the beautiful California. There's something about LA that makes it so special. I don't have the chance to come so often, but when I come it's always all about summer vibes, beaches and relax. I'm already loving it. 

Me, Candice, Erin and Lindsay are gonna be a part of this commercial. So we're gonna have some girls time to share today. We're staying at the Chateau Marmont and Adam loves this hotel. I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna be thinking about Adam all the day, everything in this city reminds me of him. He was borned and raised in here, this is his favorite place in the world. In other words, this is his territory and I have to be very cleaver and play nicely. 


Here comes Malibu!! After a quick stop by the hotel, we are at an amazing beach in Malibu. The crew is ready to start working, and Ed, Rusell and Jerome are waiting for us, meanwhile we're finishing hair and make-up. - Candice knows that Adam lives in LA, and she has been looking at me with a very curious face. I'm sure she suspects that I'm gonna see him while I'm here, but she can't ask me anything because we don't have any privacy. But then she makes a move...

So, Bee. Are you planning on touring the city? - Candy asks, trying to hide.

Oh yeah! We should totally tour the city and do something awesome. - Ok, so now Erin is joining this awkard conversation, but she doesn't know that Candy was actually trying to find out something about me and Adam. 

Idk if I can... - I say showing doubt

Oh really?? Why not? Do you have any other plans? - It's clear that Candice is just trying to make feel uncomfortable. She's making fun of me.

Yeah, I do have other plans for the weekend. I'm gonna see a friend of mine that lives in here. We haven't seen each other in a long while, and we just want to hang out. - That was good. It was very convincing.

- That's great...- It seemed like Candy was satisfied, but she's having so much fun teasing me, so she strikes again - So, who is this person?? Because you know I don't have any plans for the weekend, maybe I could hang out with you guys.

- That's a good idea Candy, I don't have any plans either. We could go party with your friend and hang out in the city. I'm sure your friend could give us a tour by the city. What you say Bee?? - Oh Erin, you're so sweet, but NO!! I'm not ready to let anybody know that there's something happening between me and Adam. 

Maybe, who knows... I'm gonna talk to my friend and I'll let you guys know... - Thank God Ed came in and interrupted our conversation. Candice is still smiling so much, she's proud for making me feel so nervous and awkard. Thanks Bru!! 


After a long day at work, we finally came back to the hotel. I go straigth into my room to take a well deserve bubble bath. While I'm in the bathtub I check my phone, I haven't to talk to Adam in the whole day. He was really busy today shooting the music video for his song "Payphone", I was supposed to be his co-star but sadly I couldn't do it. I decide to call him, it's 7 pm and I don't think he's still shooting. 

I was about to call you. - he says cocky.

Sorry handsome, but I won!!

- Hahaha! Is that the game we're playing now?? - He asks me

What game?? I have no idea what you're talking about. hehe.

- Yeah Right!... Anyway, how was work today??

- Busy. We had a lot of shoots but we wraped and it's all done. What about you? Did you finished the music video?

- Yeah. We finished "Payphone" and tomorrow we will finish "One More Night".

- I see... - A little bit of dissapoiment came into my mind. He has to work tomorrow? What about our date? - So...

I wanted to ask you something. I know our date is tomorrow, and of course I have to work but, I thougth that maybe you could come to the set and hang out. You know, before our date. 

- Oh yeah! I would love to. - It's impossible to hide my exciment - Sounds like a lot of fun. 

- I'm dying to see you Bee. I being planning our LA tour all week long. 

- Really? That's so sweet. - AAWWW...

Do you ever think about me? Or am I crazy?

- Do you really wanna know? - Oh Adam, of course I think about you. I being thinking about you since we first talk. 

You know what? I'll figure it out tomorrow... What are you doing now?

- I'm taking a bath. I really need to relax.

- You should never tell a man that you're taking a bath. That's a dangerous zone. 

- hahahaha. Well Mr Levine, you must have self-control. Because this isn't going anywhere. Sorry. 

- Damn it! hahaha. I'm starting to think that you can control me very easily. 

- Yeah, that's because a have the limited edition of the Adam Levine instruction manual.

- Hahahaha, What?! Where did you get it?!?!

- On eBay. It was really cheap. Hahaha. 

- I'm seriously laughing my ass off. - I don't know what it is but, I have the ability of making him laugh in such a natural way. I enjoy when he laughs, it's like a little boy. - Oh Bee. I'm counting the minutes to meet you. You're so close and so away at the same time. 

- Patience handsome. It's just a matter of hours. 

This is an amazing night. Adam & I have being talking for hours. I'm in the rooftop of my room. LA is even more beautiful at night. The midnight is here and I finally convinced Adam to go to sleep. I would love to keep talking to him but, I know he has a long day tomorrow and I need to get some sleep too. It was a really exhausting day. I enjoyed it so much and now all I can think about is that tomorrow is the day. This is it! Two months of talking and getting to know Adam, and it all comes to this moment. Oh God!. 

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