3:building a teamwork

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"Y/N!!!"Someone greets in a cheerful voice

"Oh,Changbin hiii"Y/N greeted and smiles at Changbin."This is my new assistant,Jooyeon "Y/N smiles and Jooyeon bows

"Oh I thought it's your boyfriend"Changbin chuckles

"Her?!"Jooyeon looks at Y/N

"Him?!"Y/N looks at Jooyeon .They both look at each other in the same time

"I mean you guys look perfect together so I thought it's your boyfriend"Changbin chuckles

"No,anyways let's get into the business"Y/N ask as she sits down

"Okay but if you two really date,you owe me okay?"Changbin winks at Y/N

"So,what's the newest style you've come up?"Changbin sits down with Y/N while Jooyeon goes to Changbin's assistant who is Hyunjin

Jooyeon POV
"So,you're Changbin assistant?"I ask him because why not?

"Yeah and yours is Ceo K?"Hyunjin ask

"Is he complicated too?"I ask

"Yeah,kind of"Hyunjin just gives a 'meh' look at me

"Oh,wait.Changbin is the STAY ceo right?"I ask

"Yeah,I wear some of his brand"Hyunjin shows off his clothes

"Oh,not bad.Mine is Ghost"I tell him

"Yeah,I know"Hyunjin also show off some of it
After some time of Changbin and Y/N  discussing and Hyunjin and Jooyeon is  just spilling tea with each other.Y/N and Jooyeon said goodbye towards Changbin and Hyunjin and went out

"So,what do you wanna eat for dinner?"Jooyeon ask

"I don't know"Y/N plays with her phone

"Eyy,stop with that face.Come on,tell me what do you want to eat"Jooyeon looks at Y/N

"You're not my boyfriend"Y/N glares at Jooyeon

"Do you have a boyfriend"Jooyeon raises one of his eyebrows

"No and why would I need one?Anyways,lets go eat Jjanjangmyeon"Y/N looks at her phone again

Jooyeon just nods and drive to a jjajangmyeon restaurant.After they arrive,they go eat

"Excuse me,can we have 2 jjajangmyeon?"Jooyeon orders

"We will make it delicious for you"The owner smiles and goes to cook it.

"Do you know where my house is?"Y/N ask

"Yup,Jaemin told me everything"Jooyeon just nod and Y/N gives a satisfied face

"I like you.You're quick at doing your job"Y/N just give a relaxing face

"Y/N,You work with Changbin?"Jooyeon ask

"Wow,the audacity to call by my name but yeah we collaborate with each other brands"Y/N gives out a happy face

"Oops,sorry CEO K"Jooyeon apoligise

"I dont mind but you owe me my caramel
mocha"Y/N gives a mad face at Jooyeon

"I will because Jaemin told me that you drink coffee everyday"

"Hey!Not everyday but sometimes"Y/N admits

"Fine,I understand you"Jooyeon smiles."

"Anyways,how come you landed for this job.Being my assistant is hard you know?"Y/N ask

"Oh,someone recruited me and said they will pay me high.So,I just accepted it because I need it"

"Oh,so you're financially down right now?"

"No,I just want to buy a new bass guitar"Jooyeon said it with a straight face

"Seriously?"Y/N gives a 😐 face

"Yeah,thats all what do you expect from me?"Jooyeon ask

"I dont know.To be a good assistant I guess?"Y/N shrugs her shoulders

"Here is your food"One of the waiter gave out the food and smiles."Im a fan of your brand"The waiter smiles more wide

"Oh really?Thank you"Y/N gave out a big smile

"Is this your boyfriend?"The waiter ask

"NO"Jooyeon and Y/N denies.The waiter was shocked and just leave them

"I think we scared the waiter"Jooyeon looks suprised."Yeah,I think we do"Y/N chuckles and started to dig in

Both of them chat while eating

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