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I...never felt happier than this.

One must think, "Well, despite having a rocky relationship, she must feel something about them." And that is right. I do feel something about them. Remember when I got conditioned? Remember when they gave me enough compliments that I would do anything for them? Yes. I felt something. How about now?

I feel resentment and relief. I resent them because of what they do to me. Because of them, I learned to be independent and not back down whenever problems arise, but the cons outweigh the good. I became a yes-man, wary of people, and tolerated things too much. I am aware, yet I cannot stop doing so. Perhaps, my soon-to-be guardians will teach me how to live for myself more than focusing on other people too much.

I feel relieved. I get to escape and de-attach myself from this place. I now have a chance to redeem myself. But... I get to do so when I meet my new guardians. It's funny how ironic of me to be wary of people but trust them too much if any goodwill was shown. Perhaps it was because it's foreign, but a pleasant feeling. It's rare for a person to do good things for me.

"Bye, Y/N~ We'll miss you!"

...Until the end, huh? No apologies? No guilt?

"You say that because you sold me. By the time you get your money, you will live as if you never had a daughter, for sure. Grandma felt so disappointed that she gave me all of her wealth. But until the last penny, you all used it for yourselves. How pitiful you two are."

What was their reaction? I do not know. I was not facing them when I said that. I was already facing my new guardians. He was an old man, looked similar to my grandmother, who died in her 70s, and beside him was a young man. Perhaps the old man hails from a wealthy family, and beside him was his butler.

"Hoh... Is that your situation?"


"Y-Y/N... How could you say that to your parents?"

"Sir, please let's leave here. I have nothing to do or say to them anymore. I hope you will treat me better than these two."

"For sure."

The butler held out his hand to help me enter the car. I took it and said my thanks. Soon, the two followed, and so here begins the journey I will never forget.


"So... Let me get this straight. You are a demon who is looking for a 'grandchild,' and one day, you saw a flyer about me, and you bought me after seeing it?"

"Yes! Oh my, such an intelligent child~ I can't wait to spoil you-"

"Please refrain from talking to me that way. It creeps me out. But still... thank you for accepting me."

I looked at him and saw him ponder something a bit.

"Say... who pays for your tuition back then?"

"It was my money. I worked as a cashier in a convenience store, I write a thesis for others, and I also help comic artists draw and clean their materials."

"...How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen, sir. Was about to graduate 5 months later, but since you did something about it, I can be considered as a freshman."

"My, such an intelligent child. How sad people treated you that way."

"Well, I was conditioned to say yes all of the time. Perhaps it is my fault, too, that my life became this way. I had a choice, yet I cannot even choose the correct ones."

"Well, child, even if you stumble, you come back up, yes?"
I nodded.

"Even if you did choose the wrong decisions, you try to turn it around to be in your favor, yes?

I nodded.

"You kept going even if you feel like bad things only happen to you, you keep fighting, yes? That's a proof that you believe that good things will come for sure in the near future, and that you still have not given up to yourself, yes?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes." It's my first time to hear reassurance from an adult.

"Then, that's the important thing here. It may not be always in your favor, but even if you feel like on the brink of giving up, you keep fighting and hoping for good things. You're a good one, dear."

He patted my head, which is making me slowly get accustomed at his habit.


The butler who was driving for all of us called me. I felt comfortable with the -san part, but he looks like the kind of guy who distances themselves by using formalities.


"Ah, my name is Opera. I was set back on how unfazed you were when you heard we are demons."

"Well, seeing that horned head of his," I pointed it out while saying this, "made his statement true, and not as if he was delusional."

"*GASP! You can see my horns even though I hid it well?"

"Hmm... It might be related to my other powers, which is the ability to see and talk to ghosts."

"Hmm... that might be the explanation, but it's too far for it to be the explanation."

"Master, perhaps she might be... [that kind]."

"Hmm... the person that I know who is like that is only [her.] Y/N, what's your surname?"

"It's L/N."

The car suddenly halted, causing me to jerk forward, hitting my face on the front seat in the process. The old man fainted, while the butler became paled after hearing my last name.

"I apologize for the abrupt stop, Y/N-san. May I ask if (Grandmother's name) is your relative?"

"Yeah. She's my grandmother." I said while I was checking if my nose got broken or was bleeding. Luckily, it didn't hurt that much and neither of those happened.

After responding, silence filled the car.

"I see. Well then, I will teach you something about your family that you never knew. For now, please rest as the journey back is long."

"Yes. Thank you."

I closed my eyes, focused on my breathing, and ultimately fell asleep.


"Huh, so she's her granddaughter that she mentioned in her letter."


"I can't believe I get to take care of my sister's granddaughter~"

"Master... About her father, was he a demon?"

"Hell no, and what G/N did was good. G/N chose her as her heir. That explains her being sensitive to magic. Perhaps she too will have that power."

"You meant [...], Sullivan-sama?"

"Yes. The one that set her and all of us apart. Even the former demon king can't defeat her. Ah~ I still hear his whines and sulks. Enough of that, I'm excited to spoil my grandniece- Oh my, that sounds better than a granddaughter. It makes us feel closer~ But my gosh, I can't believe her son became that way. They can't even take their only child properly... Well,"

He looked at her, who was lying beside him. He smiled and patted her hair.

"I will make sure that she gets all the things that she deserves. Though she might be a demon, I am not sure if her wings will appear since it is only inherited. Her powers are starting to appear strong, so I guess she'll get her wings—near, at that."

"Perhaps the change of environment will benefit her."

"That and she gets to have a supportive relative. Please take care of her, Opera-kun~."

"Of course. Y/N-san deserves to be treated with respect."

The old man looked up in the sky, excited about his journey as a grand uncle. Ah, I remembered something, he thought and called out his butler before he forgot.


"Yes, master?"

"Make sure they will feel pain. Make sure they regret treating her as their trust fund."

"I already did."

Demon Queen || WTDSIK! Characters  x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now