Winter formal part I

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Rues Narration:
Emma and Fezco have been dating for a month and a half now. After the fourth week of Fezco avoiding to talk to Emma because Nate Fucking Jacobs decide to snitch on him to the cops, which resulted in his house getting raided, everything has been smooth sailing since. Their relationship was back to normal.

I have never really seen Fezco happy like this for a long time, well when I first knew him. Sure he would have his good moments. But seeing him with my best friend Emma, he was loving every bit of life at that moment.

Fezco treated Emma well, occasionally he would buy her stuff such as jewellery or new books, much to Emma's dismay. She really didn't care about his money, but she was grateful and showed her appreciation.

Emma also treated Fezco right, she finally found an opportunity to spoil someone through her cooking. breakfast, lunch and dinner she would make all these amazing meals for Fezco and Ash. Ashtrays favourite meal was French Toast, while Fez favourite meal would be steak. Emma would usually get to his house before he comes back from his station to start on cooking. She knew he would be tense and drained from having to run a conscience store and running a drug business.

Fezco loved stepping into his house where the aroma of food filters through the air, the whole house would be scented by what was being cooked. For Fezco and Ashtray, they loved it. After their grandma died, they only had to look after themselves. But having Emma around, for once in their life they felt like a normal family.

Although it has been good, there has been only a few down moments. Emma was concerned about the business, they would often disagree or lightly argue. Fezco would often have to make her sit down to talk and explain, she knew that just the station on its own could barely cover the grocery shopping itself, their current profession was really their only affordable income. However since the house was raided, thousands worth of drugs were to be flushed away. Fezco was pissed, he threw everything he could find at the nearest wall. He owed Mouse money and he needed to find a way to come up with it before he comes back.

Fezco loved having Emma by his side to support him through hardships. Whether it was helping him with the store or dealing with Ashtray being in a mood, it was much easier with Emma by his side. He just wished that he could live a better lifestyle for Emma and Ashtray. One where they didn't need to be involved in drugs and Ashtray could live his life being a kid.

But mostly, he wants to change for Emma. To prove to everyone that he isn't dumb or he isn't just a drop out drug dealer. Fezco knows he can do better, and he knew that Emma could help him change.

"So the bitch of a doctor said I couldn't have Roxicet all because of my drug substance abuse. I mean like, it's not drug abuse if it is warranted." Rue stated.

"I think that might be a good thing Rue."

"Anyways, how are you and Fez going? Are you guys good after that.. you know." Rue asked.

"We are good now,  we have had a few talks here and there. He is just worried about me getting mixed up with the business."

It was the truth. A few conversations had to be in placed, It was the truth. A few conversations had to be in placed.

"Look if this was any other girl he really wouldn't give a fuck about dropping them. Fezco has met a lot of dim- witted girls. With you, that won't happen. Trust me, I know Fezco isn't going to break up with you. I think him not being with you might hurt him more." Rue said as she takes another spoonful of jelly.

"I hope so." Emma sighed.

"How are you feeling anyway?"

"A bit of pain, but the Tylenol is kicking in just nicely." Rue reassured. Emma decided to join Rue on the hospital bed.

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