Chapter 6

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Stu and Billy panicked as they didn't know what to do. The man just fainted on them. "Did I take the flirting too far?" Stu asked as Billy slapped him. "Well what do you think!"

Stu sighs as the two of them began to struggle carring the man behind the mask to the nearest cabin. They also where wondering would it class as kidnapping a killer who fainted just to take them home so they can interview them. They thought about it and and decided to do it since hey its not like they are having to worry about the man on attacking everyone in the city.

So like ever other idiot teen they brought Jason to their car and hid him so he wouldn't be seen as they got out of their costumes and start driving away. Billy would often look behind them checking if Jason has woken up yet since he doesn't want to die at a young age. "Are you sure this is a good idea we could be serverly fucked here you know?" He spoke up as Stu just nods.

Jason  blinks himself awake moving area alarming the two as the car shaped violently. He groans glaring at the two that had tried to kidnap him and begin to attack the door trying to break out of the car. Causing more ruckus in the said car as Stu was nervous as he was trying to focus on the wheel. While Billy had undid his seat belt trying to grab hold of Jason in an attempt of stopping him. Which obviously failed as the door was slamed opened.

Jason pushed himself out as they went in a smaller town and was rolling across the street.

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