Chapter 2

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Both Billy and Stu had walked their separate ways from the group of colleges that they where with. Talking about the assignment that they are suppose to do. They went to the topic of Jason Voorhees while trying to think of ideas for the assignment.

"Oh! oh! oh! What if we like try to get a picture of Jason and write about how he had drown. Or even better yet try talking to him to get any information out of him like about his mother. Oh! Or something like how he plans his kills and set his traps. How he scares his victims with that hockey mask of his!" Stu yells loudly almost busting Billy's poor ear drums.

"Ah shut your loud mouth for once. Jeez we just got here and you are expecting the impossible already? What are the chances of Jason wanting to talk or not wanting to kill use? We would probably be dead in a matter of seconds if we some how stumble upon him. The man is a literally beast!" Billy complains already tired of his friends constant blabbering.

"Oh I'm sorry that I want to meet him! He was a literally freaking monster and those kills he does are cool." Stu pouts at Billy who slapped the back of his head warning him to shut up or else.

Unaware of the killer that they where speaking about who is literally watching them argue and can easily hear them a mile away. Thinking 'Oh hod teenagers these days always causing havoc for one another.'

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