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Hello !

In this book I'm going to write marvel fanfictions, mostly centered around Loki/Bucky/any of my fav (but could also be any other character). I can write smut, and these will have a ⚡️ in the title so you can skip them. Fluff will have a 🦋.
Most will be Character x reader but I may write some character x character.

The ship info will be in between brackets at the start.
I do take suggestion, but do not be mad at me if I say no. I have boundaries, (such as no incest, so I will NOT write Loki x Thor as I saw on there once).

[A/N : Please remember that straight and lesbian smut may not be the best, as I am gay]

Marvel One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora