Prologue part- 1

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A/N: Let's start this series.
Everyone: Ok.

The entire screen was blank until a spoke and some magical lines were showing.
???: What if I said that one's entire life had been decided by fate?

Shiro: Hey, can you tell us who is he?
A/N: Well, I don't want to give everyone a spoiler to those who never read Dies Irae.
Rin: What do you mean by "those who never read Dies Irae" when there is only us.
A/N: I don't want to reveal anything.
Rin: Ok...

???: Every single one of your actions, from the minute to monumental, stemmed not from your own choices, but had already been decided upon?

Gilgamesh: What weird guy thinking that he knows everything in this world but there is always a possibility of changing the future.
Lancer: This time I say I am with goldie.
Archer: Me too.
A/N mind- I don't know how they will react to Mercuries secret.

???: That life being a journey of limitless possibilities was but an illusion, no matter how fiercely man struggled, he stood at the mercy of a long-established path?

Everyone doesn't know what to say.
Saber: What he means by this is all just an illusion?
A/N: For example, like the fall of Camelot no matter what you do it was already established this the path of Camelot that it's gonna fall.
Saber just think that it is a good thing that she was never born in this world.
Kirie: What will happen if somebody uses the holy grail in this world?
A/N: Nothing is gonna happened, the holy grail will get rejected by this world.
Everyone is shocked because it is the first time the holy grail is useless.

???: The wealthy shall know their riches. The needy shall serve on the streets. The wicked shall be wicked, the righteous just.

Everyone does not know what this guy wants to say at all.

???: The beautiful, the hideous, the strong, the frail, the fortune, the miserable... and finally, the victors and the defeated.

???: What if I said that all such things had been carved into the stones eons ago, allowing for no divergence.

???: If so, then sinners have nothing to answer for, nor do saints have any virtue to their name.

???: If I said that not a single action is carried out of one's own volition, but had been decided long ago.

Assassin: So, in this world, everything is already decided long ago.
A/N: Yes.

???: That we are merely adrift in the current of time?

???: Tell me, would you feel content with such a world?

Shinji: Is he asking us?
Sakura: If he is asking us, I would never want to live in a world where my actions are already decided.
Everyone is agreed with Sakura.

???: A world in which power is merely given, not earned - would you accept knees bend to a throne built upon such falsities?

???: A universe where the sinless have-nots are opposed and downtrodden - would you allow such a world to exist.

???: Never, I say. Never.

Saber: I would also say the same thing.
Shiro: Of course, Saber.

???: Those in possession of such knowledge who can still laugh joyfully, obviously of what it means to be truly alive, are but slaves, the lowest of the low, hardly deserved to be called human beings.

Rider: So, according to him anyone who knows about everything is not human at all.
Caster: But knowing everything is a good thing, right?
Saber: If we know about the future I am sure most of us correct our mistakes.
Gilgamesh: No, in my opinion knowing everything will just destroy the concept of humanity.
Shiro: How so?
A/N: It will destroy the concept of feeling like somebody confessed to you and you know already it will become boring as hell.
Everyone excluding Gilgamesh did not know the meaning of my words.

Fate Stay Night React To Dies IraeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara