Jay tried to keep eye contact but her eyes fell to the wooden floor at the question. She sat silently. The expectancy of Jay to answer Chip's question made her feel like a child, being comforted after some small fear of a monster under the bed. She hated it. Chip must've sensed that Jay would remain silent, speaking up to answer his own question. Jay's feelings of being a small child only grew.

"You're still a Riptide Pirate. That's what I said, isn't it?" Chip placed his hand on Jay's shoulder, getting her to look back up at him. Now it was safe to say that a few tears had fallen. 

Chip just smiled, rolling his eyes. "Gods you're dramatic."He wiped her cheeks and raised a brow, the smile still present. "And hey, if you're worried about how Gill feels, I've already spoken to him... He isn't mad at you either."

Jay sniffled and cleared her throat, wiping at her eyes a few times just for good measure. Wordlessly she nodded, taking a few deep breaths before finding her words, "T-Thanks Chip... I-I guess you're right... At least we're all safe."

"Exactly! Now, your hair is still Gods awful, so fix it before Earl sees and kicks the bucket, and get some breakfast in you! Deal?" Chip took his hand off of her shoulder and tilted his head slightly, his grin growing.

Jay sniffled once more and chuckled, shaking her head. "You're a bastard- fine deal."

Chip snickered and nodded, standing up and making his way to the steps leading up to the top deck. He stopped for a final second, turning and speaking up, "Try and stop worrying so much, okay? It's all gonna be alright..." And with that, Chip made his leave.

Jay took a few more moments for herself, rather than her thoughts echoing, she focused on what Chip had said, letting those words repeat in her mind as she started to brush through and fix her hair. After she had collected herself, she made her way to the kitchen, making sure to thank Earl for the food. Being hungrier than expected, she finished the food quickly, leaving the plate in the kitchen before following where Chip had gone, heading towards the top deck.

Taking a second for her eyes to adjust to the daylight, she realised the source of her hunger was her sleeping in much later than she was used to, seeing the sun was almost halfway in the sky. She lazily rubbed at her eyes and looked across the deck, seeing Chip watch on as Gillion stood behind Ollie, who was sitting at the chessboard opposite Pretzel. Gillion was from the looks of it, teaching Ollie how to play (Jay was sure Gill had learned from watching Pretzel). Making her way over, she stood next to Chip, fondly watching the scene before them.

"How is your frogtopus so good at this game, Gillion?!"

"Well, Pretzel here is just so talented..! Not only is she a fierce warrior, but she is also a talented strategist!" The pride in Gillion's voice was enough to put a small smile on Jay's features, as well as Chip's. Ollie giggled, nodding in agreement with Gillion's words. Jay leaned over to Chip, muttering so she wouldn't interrupt the three.

"How long have they been at this?"

"Basically all morning. Y'know at first I doubted Gill's knowledge of the game, but he knows his shit. I'm pretty sure he learned from Pretzel playing, so it's definitely somethin'... Fast learner I guess."

Jay chuckled and nodded, looking back towards the game before seeing she had been noticed by all three players.

"M-Miss Jay! Hi!" Ollie looked up towards Jay, his face flushing red as it normally did whenever he spoke to Jay. She grinned at Ollie, who smiled brightly back at her.

"Ah..! Good morning, Jay!" Gillion's voice caught her attention next, it was the same as usual wherever he greeted her. That residing anxiety slowly lifts a bit more. Jay gave a small smile and nodded toward Gillion.

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