No. 45

336 6 9

//Fated Campaign..!

*This is v much a draft, I did this in my notes app, and its less effort rn to just proof read and add to it ;')*

Uhhh so the fated campaign was never finished, so I did a oneshot (Im still not finished the rewatching of it but i HAVE caught up on Riptide and Prime defenders ;') ) with very limited and foggy recollection of the last few episodes? But basically The war against the big bad fish Ungaro (i think is the spelling idk) happens and the fated are all separated and shit. Im pretty sure they were gonna fight on Taxi's native island/home? right? idk. Either way Its set on an island so it'll have to do ;') I'm v tired and ive been in a weird low mood slump for a few weeks, pls bear with me ^^;;

TW// Character death, mentions of violence/gore (?) (as normal violence and gore that you can get for JRWI)


Br'aad let out a pained yelp as he grabbed his side, his eyes closing tightly, letting out panicked and painful huffs of breaths. In hindsight, Br'aad should've really been paying more attention to the fight. He shouldn't have gone off on his own when he saw more fish folk and the like come out from the waters... Of course the second everything went to shit he came up with things he could've done better. 

 He ignored his trembling, looking down and seeing blood covering his hand from where he had been holding his side. As he looked up to face the fish folk he'd been fighting, and even before he could even attempt to get up again (though he wasn't too optimistic about how long he'd stay standing) time started to slow; a voice from behind Br'aad spoke up, the voice familiar, and it was evident that he'd dropped his whole facade. Br'aad looked around, now understanding what was happening in the kind of in-between world state he found himself in, he slowly started to collect himself and stood up to look around. When he did so, he noted the lack of pain from his side, the lack of blood especially. This made the half-elf remember just how this time-slowing down thing seemed to work. For now, Br'aad would be okay. For as long as he'd keep him like this, at least. Finally, Br'aad met the eyes of a one Ob'nockshai, his features showing a sinister smile. His eyes were darker and he overall looked less noble or god-like. He looked worn and desperate. Desperate for...

"One last game, how about it, my boy~?" 

Br'aad started to visibly shake once realisation set in. He was on the brink of death outside of this state and of course Ob'nockshai decides to pay a visit. He's trapped with the one god he didn't want to see ever again...

"Surprisingly, I figured game nights were over since we had that whole falling-out thing." There was a beat of silence that fell between the two of them as Ob'nockshai just stared at the blonde. This caused Br'aad to give up on his usual deflective humour, seeing that the trickster wasn't in the mood. "..L-Look, just let me go back to help them..."

Ob'nockshai just laughed. The noise seeming to stem from every direction, as soon as Br'aad blinked, he was gone and now stood behind the half-elf, a firm and almost skeletal-feeling hand on his shoulder. The grip grew tighter with every second that passed.

"Help them? Oh my dear naive boy, you fail to understand my offer... You won't be of any use to them at all. No, in actuality, you won't be conscious long enough to even consider helping them..." Br'aad looked behind him to face Ob'nockshai, seeing him wave his hand once and as a small scene appeared in front of the two. It was what was happening... There were sounds of shouting, the screams of everyone the Five had been able to group up to help them in this war. Trees having scorch marks and other damages, others being completely toppled over by various forces. Br'aad could see everything before he saw what Ob'nockshai was referring to...

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