I stared at her in disbelief, she was telling me the same story she had told me so many times over as I grew up, but she was telling it so effortlessly, as if it truly happened that way. What I had seen was too real, though, and my gut screamed at me she was lying. I was livid but attempted to remain calm as she continued to speak the lies as if they were the truth.

I nodded as she finished up and gently smiled at me. It was mind-blowing as I started to wonder who this woman even was. I never saw my mother as a liar till this very point. What was I supposed to do? What was I to say? I still respected my mother. Maybe she thought she was protecting me ...

"Thank you, mother... I am going out for a while. I haven't had any more spells of turning out of shifts ... I need air."

I could hear her protest as I stormed out of the room, shifting. My once long white and blue-tipped hair was now a shorter dirty wavy blond, eyes were no longer a purple-silver color but a dark brown. I wasn't sure where I was going exactly, but I had headed anywhere but that home as I ran out the front gates of the large palace.


Hours later, the bright sun in the sky had gone down, and I was wandering the downtown streets. Decorative orange, yellow and purple lights hung everywhere. The young people were out in full force, laughing or fighting. It all depended on the beings. My feet hurt from the black hills I had rushed to put on by the front door. My outfit looked decent, though. Hilled knee-high boots went with the thigh-high silk black slip I was still wearing from bed. It was a mixed-up look for sure, but a look no less.

"Ares Knight"

I growled low as my body kept walking, and my mind still screamed his name. This had to be something to do with the marks, the claim the gods had put on him and myself. I could still see the image of him in the rain making my skin crawl in what I could guess was longing. I wanted it all to go away; my life was lonely and boring before, but I never wanted this new type of isolation and drama.

The whole time I had been walking, I was seeing him or the day I was born or wondering where he was. Then, finally, my brain simply wouldn't stop, my body hit something, jarring me out of my head, and I blinked as a young woman yelled at me.

I had run right into a highly intoxicated woman coming out of a nightclub, and that's when it hit me; I knew a way to get this all off my mind as I pranced my tiny frame to the door before swinging it open.

It was a typical scene, all kinds of people swigging down drinks at the bar, most people were dancing to the upbeat music, and I smiled at the smell of chaos.

Walking to the bar and wishing I knew how to call the bartender over, I resorted to watching the others before realizing they simply yelled. My voice wasn't meant for that, I never could genuinely raise my voice or scream per se, or at least Derek just laughed at my attempts. So I whistled the loudest I could, and surprisingly the tall, pretty woman turned to me and grinned before walking over.

"What can I get you, dear ?"

She sounded too sweet to be in a raving night club but who was I to judge? I had never even been in one, and yet here I stood. Never honestly had I drunk a day in my life, much less been to a party. I was going to find out, though; I was determined to get all this shit out of my head.

"Get me the whole bottle of your strongest drink... please."

Her brows went up, and she smirked before quickly walking away and returning with a black glass bottle with a glowing green logo. I couldn't pronounce what it was, but as other young people at the bar stopped and looked at me in Awh, I almost giggled.

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