The Necklace

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"Huh, we can see him too, not just you guys?" I ask looking at them all as we all sit there confused

"Wait... you can see me" Willie turned to us and we nodded "Even you?" He pointed to Flynn and she looks around the room confused
"No, can't see you. She can't see them either" Julie points to the boys and they wave at her knowing she wouldn't do anything back
"Okay I get. I can't see ghosts, so fill me in please!" Flynn stares at us waiting for an explanation but me and Jules sit there confused, I thought we could only see Alex, Luke and Reggie why can we also see Willie?! This GHOST we have ZERO connection and we can see him?! "Helloooo. I'm waiting for that explanation... Ok maybe not then" she crosses her arms and sits back starring to the ceiling.
"Sorry Flynn, I'll explain everything" Jules proceeds to tell her what's happening and watching the facial expressions from Flynn was the most entertaining thing i've seen all day-

After moments of silenced thinking we here car doors shut and guess it Dad with Carlos.
"That's probably Dad, we should go check" Jules smiled awkwardly at everyone still not knowing how to act
"Oh, yeah. It was nice to meet you Willie!" I go in for a handshake but go through him "Oh I forgot that happens" I giggle slowing moving my hand back. We say goodbye to the other 3 boys and Flynn because she's making her way home, we walk into the house and we see Dad and Carlos running around while Carlos holds his Ipad... filming?
"Oh hey guys!" Carlos stops and Dad leans on the kitchen island catching his breath
"You okay there Dad?" I ask with a small laugh and he replies with a nod
"Okay!" Dad stands up straight and rubs his hands together "Get dressed up! We are going for dinner in honour of the birthday girlll" He dances around and we all laugh then make our separate ways to get changed for dinner

I get to my room and look through my wardrobe and a draw of Moms old clothes... nothing?! How I have like a millions clothes how have I found nothing?!
"Knock knock" A voice comes from the door way and I see half an arm in the door
"Yes?" I say and Alex sticks his head through smiling
"I need your help" He laugh and jumps onto my beanbag sitting down
"Okay but you gotta help me first!" I turn holding two dresses up "What one so I wear for dinner?"

 nothing?! How I have like a millions clothes how have I found nothing?! "Knock knock" A voice comes from the door way and I see half an arm in the door"Yes?" I say and Alex sticks his head through smiling "I need your help" He laugh and jumps ont...

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"hmmm that one!" he points at (choose one you like) "Okay, so what do you need up with?" I smile walking into the bathroom to get changed "So I like Willie and I really want to tell him but I don't know how? So like what do I do ask him out or lik...

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"hmmm that one!" he points at (choose one you like)
"Okay, so what do you need up with?" I smile walking into the bathroom to get changed
"So I like Willie and I really want to tell him but I don't know how? So like what do I do ask him out or like whatt Y/n help I'm a mess!" Alex moans and hides his face which was covered with pink blush
"Look just... take him somewhere! Somewhere he'd like and tell him that's what I'd do" I smile waking out the bathroom now changed
"Okay stunning" He smiles "If that's what you'd do why don't you do it to Reggie?" He raises an eyebrow
"Haha funny Alex, it's obvious he's a ghost and I'm human. I think it worries him like I could be old and wrinkly and he'd look the same?!" I flop onto my bed and slap my hands over my face
"Yeah true, he won't care!" Alex scoffs "He called my mom hot once?!" I laugh I wonder what their parents looked like to be honest
"Y/n come on! Time to go!" Carlos shouts impatiently from the bottom of the stairs as I grab my bag, say bye to Alex and go down stairs.

Me and Julie have been wanting to tell Dad about the band and the fact that.. well, their ghost but its just hard you know? What are we supposed to say to him "Hey Dad! So you know that band of ours? Yeah, their ghosts" If we say that to him he'll think we are losing our minds! Oh well, we just know that.. it can't stay a secret forever.

We all had dinner together and Tia came (she refuses to come over now because she thinks theirs demons haunting us) and we had a nice time, we laughed and ate... a lot! We got home and I headed upstairs to my room, I walk in to see a small box, that was nicely wrapped and placed on my bed. It has a small tag on it saying "Yours truly! -Reginald" I chuckled at the fact he wrote Reginald, I carefully untied the bow and opened the box to reveal a beautiful necklace, it was green and vintage looking.

"Knock, knock" I hear a chuckle and I turn around to see Reggie grinning

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"Knock, knock" I hear a chuckle and I turn around to see Reggie grinning

"Hey! Reggie this Necklace, it's... beautiful! Where did you get it?" I pick up the box carefully and show it to him

"That doesn't matter, but I do think it would nicer with you wearing it" He laugh and slowing pulls it out the box, spins me around, gently moves my hair out the way and puts it on me then spins me back round to face the mirror "See I'm not wrong"

"Oh my god! Thank you it lovely Reg!" I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly, we pull apart with my arms still dangling around his neck and his hand softly on my waist just staring into each others eyes. The small gap between us starts to close again and our lips touch, I feel instant butterflies grow in my stomach and I know for sure my cheeks are bright pink at this very moment but out the corner of my eye I see a bright light, I slowly look away and look down to see what it was.

The necklace?

I look up and meet Reg's eyes again and we both panic. What the shit is going on, ever since meeting these guys my life has honestly been crazy!

1063 words ^-^

Ghostly Love (Reggie Peters x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora