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———Molina Household———
I walk in the front door just getting home from school. It's so different now that we're trending on Youtube and played at the Orpheum! Speaking of the band.. where is everyone? Nice to see everyone on my birthday I guess, oh yeah! It's my birthday, I turn 18 which makes me feel so old...

It's been a little crazy round here lately, I mean me and Julie can touch the guys now! Like, how can you touch a ghost?! I have no clue, its all so confusing but it's nice and I think the guys have missed hugs cause we've been getting a whole lotta them. I walk up stairs to my room and throw my bag on my bed, grabbing my song book then I walk over to Julia's room to see if she's in there. Nope? no one there? Right then, she must be in the studio which is fine cause I was going there anyway! I walk out and see Nick, Julies friend, walking up towards the door

"Hey Nick?" I smile and stop walking seeing as no one's home to answer the door, Dads with Carlos at baseball practise and I had just left.
"Hey!" Nick smirks weirdly and stares at me
"Um... Can I help you with anything?" I chuckle hoping he would stop smirking because it's giving me the creeps
"Oh uh, I was just coming to see Julie!" He walks towards to door and I stop him
"She's not home? I thought she'd be with you or Flynn" I look at him confused as he seems taken back by it "I'm sure she'll text you later"
"Yeah, of course" He smiles, waves then walks away... that boy is strange, what does Julie see in him-

I continue my walk to the studio and open one of the door expecting at least one of the guys to be in there. Hm seems empty but pretty dark, I walk over and turn the light on. All of a sudden I hear a chorus of people yell "SURPRISE!" I look around and Dad, Carlos, Flynn, Julie, Luke, Alex and Reg. I laugh and walk over to Dad, Carlos, Flynn and Jules giving them a big group hug
"Thanks guys!" I smile and laugh, I did not expect this. There's 'Happy Birthday' banners everywhere and balloons spread around the room.
"Hey! What about us?!" The boys in the band question as I awkwardly laugh looking at Julie for help and she mouths to them 'Dad!' and point to him and they gasp forgetting he doesn't know
"Happy birthday!" They all say making me smile even more, Dad frowns a little before looking at Carlos and back to me
"We have to go to baseball practice, sorry mija" Dad hugs me again and places a kiss on my forehead "We will be back soon! Don't do anything fun without us!" They run to the car making us laugh.

I walk over to the guys and give them a big group hug
"Thank you too!" I laugh and they smile finally getting their hug
"I can't believe you can touch them.. just looks like you are hugging air" Flynn looks bamboozled as I turn around and smile embarrassed that she saw me hug air but oh well, she's seen us talk to air so what the difference?
"Soooo, we have a special performance for you!" Julie shouts then guiding me to the couch and pushing me down and Flynn plops next to me laughing
"Oh god... Flynn is it bad" I put my head in my hands and get ready for the worst laughing at all the possible things they do
"Oh calm down, we just want to sing a song?!" Reggie gives me a reassuring smile and I sit back
"Ok ok" I sit back and Alex counts them in to start playing.

(let's just pretend the band wrote this one..)

They start performing and Reggie sing with some accompany from the band and I smile knowing they actually put effort into this. Flynn drags me up and we all dance together just have fun, Reggie takes my hand and spins me around a few times making me slightly dizzy but I still laugh. It gets to the end of the song and everyone cheers seeing as it was actually really good, I give everyone a big hug and Reg a little peck on the cheek while saying thank you.

Things are a bit complicated with Reggie right now. Obviously we kissed that night we first found out we could touch and we spoke and said we are going to get to know each other before dating. Alex says Reg is just shy and scared to know how it will work out because he's a ghost and i'm not but I don't think it will work out badly, right?

I guess we've already had fun without Dad and Carlos, oops. We put on some music and just dance around for a little while shouting out lyrics of songs we liked (literally all of them), but in a matter of time we all ended up sitting down and just talking and laughing about things. I grab my phone and check my notifications to see Jayden Milton liked my post and said 'Happy birthday'... HOLY SHIT! My face lights up red and I get a few looks from everyone, I grab Julie and Flynn walking into a corner and showing them my phone and they squeal making the boys look over.
So run down of Jayden, he's been my crush since I was like 16!! I started to loose feelings like a week ago but clearly not that much, he has black hair and these amazing grey eyes! I haven't spoke  to him in like a year so it's weird hearing from him, ok maybe I should calm down it was just a happy birthday?

"Y/n! You've liked this guy FOREVER!" Julie gasps grabbing my phone and gives it to Flynn
"And no wonder why.. damn! Those eyes are like a trap, she starts to type back and I freak out
"Woah what are you doing?!" I try getting my phone back but she moves
"I'm helping you! You can even read it before i press send" Flynn whisper yells looking over to the guys and seeing them in a huddle
"Ugh fine" I look at what she wrote and to be honest it was okay, she had wrote 'Hi! Thank you for the birthday wish! We haven't spoke in while :)" She presses send and hand then phone back by then looks over Reggie
"So, what's with you two?" She raises her eyebrows but always looks to my phone
"I don't really know, I like him a lot but-" My sentence get interrupted by the sound of Alex laughing and saying hello making me and Julie turn around. I see a boy our age with long brown hair and carrying a skateboard... who's this and how can he see the boys?- How'd he get here?!

"Guys come over here!" Alex calls us over leaving Flynn confused as to why we walk back to the couches but follows anyway "This is Willie! My ghost pal" He awkwardly says and chuckles.. god he has then biggest crush on him, wait how can we see him?!
"Huh, we can see him too, not just you guys?" I ask looking at them all as we all sit there confused

1267 words :0
i hope this is okay !!!!

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