Chapter 33

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"Dad, our school has an English study camp in the summer vacation, can I participate?" Kang Tong had just finished taking a shower, and his aunt was drying his hair with a hairdryer. , leaned over to listen, "Ah? What? I didn't hear it."

The aunt blew his hair half-dry, smoothed it out with her hands, and said with a smile, "You can make a video with your dad first, and I'll blow it for you when you go to bed."

Only then did Kang Tong hear Lian Jue's words clearly, and Lian Jue asked him to send him the summer camp itinerary to review and then decide.

He nodded obediently, then downloaded the summer camp information from the class group and forwarded it to Lian Jue.

Lian Jue browsed through the event schedule and confirmed that there was no safety risk in any link, and then said to Kang Tong: "Yes."

After the video hung up, Lian Jue clicked on the WeChat message just sent from the hospital. The other party reported Shen Tingwei's physical examination results this week, and told him tactfully that Shen Tingwei's physical condition was better than that in the early pregnancy. It's getting better, but after all, I'm in a period when I'm pregnant, which is more sensitive than usual, so it's best to have more family company.

Lian Jue looked at the text sent by the other party, and his eyes stayed on the word 'family' for a long time. In addition to thinking about whether he could be counted as Shen Tingwei's family, he also suddenly thought, what about Shen Tingwei's relatives?

Lian Jue recalled carefully that since he met Shen Tingwei, he never seemed to hear him mention his relatives, and when he asked Shen Tingwei if he needed a wedding, his uncharacteristic behavior made it hard not to feel a little less optimistic. Lenovo.

Just thinking about it, a new message popped up on WeChat, which was a friend request.

Lian Jue guessed who the other party was almost instantly.

Shen Tingwei's WeChat avatar is a pet picture that young people like to use nowadays. The nickname is a few symbols that even the formula can't understand. It is guessed that it may be a random code.

Before he passed it, Shen Tingwei reissued an application for addition, and wrote in the remarks: Mr. Lian, I am Shen Tingwei.

After adding WeChat, Shen Tingwei quickly sent a voice message, and said politely in the voice: "Mr. Lian, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, the water heater in my room seems to be malfunctioning, it can be done tonight. Can I borrow your bathroom?"

Lian Jue glanced at the time, replied: Not too late, and replied: Yes.

Shen Ting did not reply quickly: "Thank you."

There was nothing urgent for him to deal with at the moment, Lian Jue didn't call an assistant, got up and made a cup of coffee for himself.

After sitting back in his office chair, he picked up the mobile phone that he had just put on the table after replying to the message, and opened WeChat again.

Shen Tingwei's WeChat window was still in the first contact list of recent contacts. He stared at Shen Tingwei's strange nickname for a while, and seemed to understand this string of symbols.

He turned his phone upright, *< |:-1, like a man in a woolen hat.

Lian Jue was speechless for Shen Tingwei's naive and vulgar taste, as if it was hard to bear such a thing appearing in front of him, he changed Shen Tingwei's nickname to a proper name.

For some reason, he then zoomed in on the weird-looking head and examined it very critically.

Shen Tingwei's head is a kitten, with black markings on the top of the cat's head and nose, half-squinted eyes, and a circle of yellow-brown velvet circles in the pupils. Sun.

The appearance can be said to be unremarkable, and the shooting skills are also remarkable, not like photos found on the Internet.

He asked: What is the avatar?

Shen Ting didn't return half an hour later and said, "Cat.

Lian Jue had just finished replying to an email, and when he saw the message on his phone, and after seeing Shen Tingwei's reply, he thought that he was insulting his IQ again. Of course he knew it was a cat.

Fortunately, Shen Tingwei quickly added another sentence: It's a friend's cat, it's quite cute, so I used it as a avatar.

Lian Jue couldn't find any cuteness in that stupid cat's face, so he had to take his words as air.

Shen Tingwei's message came a few minutes later: I used a new towel from your room.

Lian Jue found that his politeness was a little annoying at times, so he replied: Don't notify me.

After a while, he said again: What do you want to use to take it yourself.

Shen Ting didn't wipe his wet hair with a towel, saw Lian Jue's news, picked up the phone on the washstand, and replied again: Thank you.

The opposite side changed from [Lian Jue] to [Entering...], Shen Ting didn't fasten his nightgown, he returned to the room with his mobile phone, and found a hairdryer to dry his hair.

Until he blew his hair and went to bed, Lian Jue's WeChat didn't come back, and the chat window changed back to [Lian Jue].

He ate today's folic acid tablets with warm water, and sat on the bedside bored and flipped through the album on his phone for a while.

Shen Tingwei occasionally took some photos, such as new dishes made according to recipes on the Internet, or flowers that bloomed in the garden, but he had no one to share, and only kept them in the album to look at them from time to time.

Randomly flipping through it, Chang Kai happened to send a new message, saying: Today's cloud sucks!

Chang Kai's cat is sleeping sideways on the pillow in a very twisted position, exposing its white belly. Shen Tingwei could feel the soft touch across the screen, and he liked it, so he changed his profile picture to this photo.

I chatted a few times with Chang Kaixin, and Chang Kaixin had to get up early for work tomorrow, so he said good night to him.

Shen Tingwei was actually not very sleepy, but he had nothing to do. He downloaded Weibo according to the data ranking in the software store and browsed for a while. Most of them were lace news about celebrities he didn't know.

He watched aimlessly for a while, and couldn't find any fun, so he put down his phone and went to sleep.

Shen Ting did not turn off the ceiling light in the bedroom, leaving only a warm table lamp at the head of the bed. His hand was stroking his lower abdomen through the thin pajama fabric. When he just took a shower and looked in the mirror, he found that his stomach was slightly bulging. . However, because of the phrase "too thin, it is not good for children" on Lianjue's phone, he has recently become more careful about eating than before - although he vomits more than he eats, but it has always increased his appetite, and growing meat also within reason.

Shen Tingwei just remembered that he hadn't felt that kind of strong heart palpitations for a long time. Maybe it was because Lian Jue had provided him with a more stable place to live, and he didn't need to worry about where he was going tomorrow, so the heart that had been hanging all the time got a little more settled, along with his recent sleep quality.

You Si fell asleep during his reverie, he yawned, and reached out his hand from the quilt to turn off the light.

When he was about to fall asleep, he heard the phone rang. He took it to look at it, and sent a sentence without thinking: Like cats?

Shen Tingwei was so sleepy that he didn't have the energy to type. He put the phone to his mouth, replied "um" softly, and fell asleep after a while.

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