Chapter 2

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Welcome to Chapter 2 - thank you so much everyone already for all the support with this new story - going to dive right in as long chapter again with a video included - enjoy!!!

Natalie Martin in her career had conducted many morning meetings and had to do many announcements of both sad and happy news but this time she was going to struggle, this was an announcement that affected her closely in her personal life.

"Can I have your attention please; a very serious situation has occurred which impacts each of us on different levels. It has been brought to my attention that Stiles Stilinski has been reported missing and there is a co-ordinated man hunt under way with the FBI to locate him and those responsible." Natalie starts and a round of gasps are heard from her colleagues, the only one not showing any real emotion to the news was Coach, but Natalie noticed he was slightly late arriving and knew Scott had been heading in his direction.

"I will be informing the students later during morning announcements and some will require time away either to deal with the news or to help the Sheriff station and FBI with their enquires. Any sightings of Stiles on School grounds or in general need reporting as soon as possible even if he is no longer present by time the police arrive."

"I understand you all may have several questions, but it is our job right now to be there for our students and our community during this difficult time and keep Sheriff Stilinski in our thoughts and hope for the safe return of his son. Thank you everyone!" Natalie ended the meeting early to provide enough time for the staff to compose themselves before having to face the day, she makes her way over to Coach needing a quick word with him before he took off.

"Now I have known you long enough to know that even though you try to hide it, you do actually care about your students. So I am guessing your very limited reaction to the news I have just broke is because you are already aware, I would say you were with Scott McCall which is why you were slightly delayed." Natalie states leaning on the chair next to him noticing he seemed to be wearing something solid underneath his hoodie.

"Seems you are not the only one that has noticed my softer side." Coach states before leaving the room along with the other teachers as the bell rings to signal five minutes before lessons start, Natalie went back to her desk after closing the doors and composed herself before having to start morning announcements.

Back in the locker room

After Coach left Scott alone in the locker room, he decided to take the moment to message Deaton to see if there is anything he can do to help. He knew Stiles's disappearance was more human related then Supernatural related.

Scott to Deaton – Hey, I need your help. Stiles has gone missing; he was due back from this camp he goes too but hasn't shown back up. No one can reach him nor the company that runs the camp. I'm sorry I know this is not Supernatural related.

Deaton to Scott – Scott, of course I will help to find Stiles. You are due at the Vet Clinic after School anyway so bring Lydia and we can look to see what we can find. Do you happen to know the name of the Camp Stiles was visiting so I can see what information I can find?

Scott to Deaton – Thank you, I appreciate this. No idea on the name, all Sheriff said was Stiles had been going since he was six years old. The company that runs it is called WCKD.

Deaton to Scott – Unfortunately I know of them very well, come by after School and I will tell you everything I know. May be worth bringing your Dad, Parrish and Sheriff over also as Stiles is in more danger than any of you actually realised.

The doors of the locker room flew open with the rest of Scott's class piling in and getting changed ready for Coach to arrive. Scott placed his phone away but his mind still firmly thinking about the message Deaton had sent to him. Coach came out of his office and requested for all to gather around before they start the lesson.

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