Just around the corner - Chapter 44

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"What do you think it will be today Peggy ?" You turned to the woman "snarky comments sexist comments agent Thompsons dumb observation" you began listing on your fingers "maybe it will be agent Thompson making sexist,snarky comments after we point out his dumb observation" you smiled to her "maybe Paris but let's hope it's just quietness" she huffed leaving the elevator doors to ding open.

Peggy was right it was extremely quiet.

Agents had there heads down on the desk some just quietly writing you and Peggy went to approach your normal seats until you noticed Krzeminskis empty with a flower lying upon the wooden desk the crumbs of his burger still there scattered.

You turn to see agent Thompson resting his face in his hand a glass in the other he looked exhausted and drained agent Krzeminski was a honourable agent someone who would lay his life down for for others you looked further round the office more men looked just like Agent Thompson maybe they believed that since the war was other no others who were close to them would die but that wasn't the deal.

Peggy walked further over his desk while you stood still in the middle of the aisle staring at her she now glanced over Krzeminski desk he face seem to falter and then a voice made you turn your attention "really put you back there doesn't it somebody buys it and you realise it can happen anytime any day" agent Sousa spoke his eyes staying to the ground "how did it happen ?" Peggy let out "professional hit" Thompson croaky voice was heard "Hindman our only witness must have been watching us at the scene" Agent Thompson placed his now empty glass on his desk "I knew something was fishy about that anonymous tip" Sousa shook his head "who does that" he raised his voice slightly you could hear his guilt you looked to Peggy who now finally answered "a concerned citizen" your eyes darted on Peggy as she swallowed the lump in her throat "concerned citizen call the cops this guy called us directly its not like we in the phone book" Sousa expressed looking to you "somebody targeted them" agent Thompson wiped his pale face before crossing his arms "and I'm gonna find that bastard" Sousa seethed leaving Peggy's face to falter once more.

Before you could add an input Chief Dooley walked in under his eyes were dark with circle from the lack of sleep his tie hung loosely round his neck and the handkerchief which he carried in his pocket now gone everyone's attention turned to him "whatever happened last night don't any of you forget Krzeminski would still be with us today if it wasn't for Howard stark" you could feel Thompson stare now digging into your back like a loaded gun waiting to be pulled "wether he pulled the trigger or not we're all neck deep in this mess cause of him I want action plans on my desk in one hour stay vigilant I'm not losing any more of you" he paused looking around before swallowing the croak that threatened to come out "now I gotta go call Krzeminski wife" he left as fast as he could retreating back to his office you turned around to Thompson who was still staring at you before he turned in his chair "I'll call his girlfriend" The man let out picking up the phone.

You mange to find some time throughout the day to sit down at your desk taking in Chief Dooley words seeking truth in them but you couldn't find any of it you knew Howard was innocent and would purposely harm someone yet why did it seem like it was his fault why did it seem like it was yours if you went to that red alert instead of rushing home to sulk about your past over the cruel truth agent Thompson brought out then maybe Krzeminski wouldn't be dead you tried to block the guilt out your mind with paper work you heard the faint goodbye of Peggy leaving her muttering something among the lines of seeing her in the morning.

You looked up to the face of Agent Sousa "would you like some coffee ?" He question having a tight grip of his mug "yes please" you slide your mug over to him as he begun to walk off you looked down to your small clock it read 10:42 "Agent Sousa" you let out before it was to late think about how this sounded "would you like to go grab coffee ?" He turned round placing his and your cup on his desk before grabbing his jacket meaning yes.

"We're do you have in mind ?" He asked now outside in the cold "I don't really know I don't grab coffee that often I just thought it be nice to get out of the office" you turned to the man and smiled "follow me" he began walking down the street "as you wish" you followed after him.

Finally reaching a small hidden coffee place which has the sign open open in red lights on the door Sousa opened the door for you being the gentlemen you expected you both sat down in a small booth Sousa ordered for the two of you him settling on a plain coffee and you in a hot chocolate "I hope you didn't mind coming out of the office I know your very into your work" you conversed waiting for your drinks "no no it's nice just going for coffee it's simple anytime I get invited out it's for beers which then turn into whisky and we'll you know we're that ends" he chuckled "so I'm glad thank you" he rubbed his palms together "I'm sorry about Krzminski" you looked to the man now in front of you "there nothing for you to be sorry about he died without us I guess we'll I just thought now that wars other no more age-no more of my friends would die" he breathed you reached over grabbing his hand just nodding your head unsure how to answer him he looked to you before the waitress came over placing down your drinks with small thank yous and smile she left you wrapped your hands round the mug for warmth "this is boiling" your face contorted burning your tongue on the drink hearing Sousa chuckle "I feel like I recognise you" he spoke "where did you serve in the war ?" He asked "I was a nurse I served for the famous 107th" you grinned only partly lying "did you by any chance come across a solider with shrapnel loged in his leg" he joked "no I don't think I did I did get to heal captain America himself and most the commandos I was present at the battle in the hydra base" why did you say that you should have just shut up after the healing part "you know there was this woman who saved me" he grinned "how did she save you with a magical song or kiss better" you joked "no she well my full team had been taking out by a hidden bomb I was on the floor my leg pooling with blood about to be shot in the head when she ran round the corner picking him up with some blue magic throwing him against the wall" he paused looking at you "I know I know your staring at me like mad man but I believe it's true even though I would admit to the doctors" he joked before returning to the story "she looked like some sort of god she came over looking to my leg told two of her soldiers to carry me to the jeep and get me patched up even gave me her gun for safety that's why i believe she did have that blue magic I mean she was weaponless in a hydra base" he laughed finally finishing "I never got to see her face only her eyes    she was cover in soot and her helmet being too big covered her face nearly" he smiled at the memory "what are you suggesting Sousa that I'm this magical god who can snap mean neck with blue magic" you raised your brows grinning "that depends can you do magic ?" He took a slip of his coffee "nah sadly not" you looked down "christ that is hot" he swallowed thickly shutting his eyes.

You and Sousa carried on the night for bit longer laughing  and chatting he walked you home for safety even after you admitted you could handle yourself but he insisted you big him goodbye and waved him not leaving till you walked into the Griffith strolling in you saw Miriam at the front desk her rollers in her hair "Miss Paris it's late" she flicked her wrist "exceptionally late almost 12pm" she observed "apologies Miriam I was working extra hours and forgot the time" you smiled "how one a young man acquitted you ?" She questioned "simply for safety he is a gentleman truly and has a good heart" you smiled "well I see" she turned her head "off to bed" she looked back to you "yes" you hurried away for some odd reason laughing.

At least tonight you be able to get some sleep.

*Authors note*

Hiya guys I know I've been gone for about a month and I'm sorry my dog recently passed away she was about 8 and we thought she still had a bit of time left but thing took a turn for the worse and I stopped writing for while but I'm back now I should have a chapter out tomorrow hopefully but if not then back to the weekly schedule I'm sorry once again for the wait I hope yous can all understand and I hope yous all loved this chapter it's quiet full but adds a bit humanisation to the characters I think but tahnk you all for reading and voting and adding to you library's the names always make me me giggle same with the spectacular comments you all leave and as always love you guys lots xxx

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