.......im smiling

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James perspective

Today I saw this girl at Starbucks she was beautiful with fine black hair,golden hazel eyes and skin the colour of light gold with freckles slight grazing her cheeks .I wanted to talk to her about the book she was reading which was a classic pride and prejudice by Jane Austin and make a joke about mr Darcy but decided not two,instead poking behind her and saying pardon me ugggg so stupid why did I say that she probably thinks I'm a dork.Even though I kinda am 😂 but she smiled showing her pearly whites and let me go ahead
I soon walked out the door heading home to work on my assignment for college cause I'm soon going to graduate at nyu. For building apps and updates. which was really hard to study soon I will be done and can start my career.Hopefully helping company's biuld there apps and coming up with great ideas

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