Chapter 1 - The Fall

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Year 845

Wall Maria South District

3rd POV

Birds were chirping as the sun began to rise over the south district within Wall Maria. Farm animals were beginning to move around within their pastures while farmers were tending to them. We see a young boy walking down a dirt trail with his father. They both have large packs of firewood with them.

Young Boy "Daaaaaad. How much further until we get there?"

Father "Have some patience Y/N. You will be making this trip thousands of times in the future if you want to keep the family business, so just try to enjoy it."

Y/N just pouts as his father laughs at his antics. As they kept walking on the horizon they could see a massive wall come into view.

Father "Y/N look, we're almost there." He looked to see the boy with an amazed look in his eyes. It was clear that he has never seen the walls before.

Y/N "Wow. They're incredible." 

The two continued to walk towards the colossal walls in front of them. The father said hello to any passerby's that were going the other way. He seemed to be a popular person among the people of the place they were heading to. After another 30 minutes of walking, they were now just before the gate. Before they could enter the city, the father knelt in front of his son.

Father "Alright Y/N. After this gate, there's going to be a lot of people so I want you to stay close to me until we get to our stand okay?"

Y/N "Don't worry dad. I'll be fine." He smiles up at his father who in turn, pats his son's head before standing back up.

The pair soon walk into the busy city streets of Shiganshina. Y/N tried his best to stay close to his father as he looked around at all the new things and people that he was seeing. As he was looking around he suddenly bumped into his father who had stopped. He looked up to see his father standing in front of a stand.

Father "Were here Y/N. Just set your pack on the table."

Y/N did as his father said and after placing his pack of wood down, he heard what sounded like children in the alleyway next to them.

Y/N "Hey dad. Can I go see what's happening over there?"

Y/N's father looked over to where he was pointing, then looked back to his son.

Father "Just be careful and remember to stay out of trouble."

Y/N just smiled and nodded before running into the alleyway much to the dismay of his father.

Father *sigh* "Kids will be kids after all."


I was running into an alleyway to see what was happening. It sounded like a struggle and when I turned the corner I could see why. Three teenagers were beating up a blond-haired boy around my age.

Blond "P-please stop it."

Head Bully "Or what? Your gonna cry for mommy?"

Lacky 1 "Oh wait he doesn't have one!" All three bullies laugh while the blond looks to be almost in tears.

That saying right there pissed me off. I needed to step in.

Y/N "HEY! Get away from him!" The four in the alleyway looked over to see me and that's when I realized, what exactly do I do from here?

Head Bully "Oh yeah? And who do you think you are?"

The three bullies head towards me and slowly surround me. The head bully went to punch me but I dodged and did the only thing that I could think of. I headbutted the bully. He fell back with blood now spewing out of his broken nose. One of the lackeys then grabbed me while the other began punching me. I headbutt the one holding me receiving the same result as I did with the boss. The third looked at me frightened before running off with his bleeding friends. I wiped some blood from my lip before heading over to the blond boy on the ground who was looking at me in shock.

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