Chapter 1

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Jason was walking around Camp Crystal Lake his home enjoying the beautiful scenery of it all the nature surrounding the lake. Yeah this was like a sort of heaven to him where no one can ever replace it. Well his mother was the exception to that she was beautiful alive and in death nothing will ever change that or what he thinks of her. She was his angel as a child and now his well literal angel as an adult. Always guiding him to where very he needed treating as if she was still their with him alive. Even in death he and his mother where as close as ever perhaps even more so than when he was a kid.

Sighing out in relief he went back to the cabin he live in. With every stomp he made it seemed the earth began to shake unernearth his feet. As Jason went back home he heard people talking. Quickly he hide behind a tree in hopes of not being spotted. There was a group of what he could presume as colleage students. He didn't know much about it but he wasn' that stupid as he did know that it was where people who are 18 or over go gor extra education. It's not like he'd carried or needed the learning as all he did was kill.

But he would sometimes wish to be able to live a normal life like others. Such a shame that the chance was taken away from him because of other children who only saw him as ugly and didn't deserve to live. Just because of his deformation. Sighing out once again he couldn't help but hear two boys of the group talking.

They where talking about him! Well that was a surprise.

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