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I quietly watched as Sunoo walked into his room with two bags in hand, smiling widely as he extended one towards me. I quietly grabbed it as he walked to his bed and placed his bag down, immediately unzipping it and making sure it stayed open. I immediately did the same before turning to find Sunoo in the midst of rumaging through his closet.

"Sunoo?" I called out and he hummed as he turned to look at me, "I don't have anything to pack."

"Nonsense," he gasped at me, only resulting in me beginning to frown, "here."

Sunoo immediately rushed to grab my Narnia book, the small stack of clothes I had brought with me to the West. He carefully laid it on the bed, beside the bag he had gone to get for me, patting my head softly.

"And you're welcome to take any book from the bookshelf with you," he softly reminded and I just nodded as I looked over at his bookshelf.

I carefully packed the things Sunoo had found for me, before wandering over to his bookshelf and looked over it.

I quite quickly found a few books which I pulled down into my arms, clutching them tightly against my chest as I continued to find more and more books. I probably wasn't gonna be able to get through even half of the books over Christmas, but it was worth trying or attempting. 

"What are you doing?" Sunoo let out a bright laugh making me turn to look at him, "how many books do you want to read over Christmas?"

"I just..." I trailed off as I looked down at the stack in my arms, which I was beginning to struggle holding.

"Robert Smithson, The Beauty of Land Art. Judy Chicago, Art of Women. Greatest Moving Pictures," Sunoo quietly listed as he read the sides of the three top books in my arms, "this is all about art and culture," he remarked after having let his eyes glide over all the titles, "you're interested in that?"

"I thought... I supposed... I wanted to adjust better," I excused and he smiled softly before grabbing the books from my arms and laying them on his bed.

"I like your choices," he hummed at me, "do you know what landart is?" he questioned and I immediately shook my head, "he makes art with the nature. The book is full of all his works... you'll be impressed by them," he softly spoke, "but I think you'd appreciate Judy Chicago more," he stated and brought the book into his lap, smoothing out the cover of the book, "she focuses on feminist art... some people say it's abstract erotic paintings, but... I think... I don't think they're erotic, they only are if you look at them so much. They're too abstract to be erotic, but I think they're beautiful," he quietly nodded before looking back up at me, "you know... but you can always ask me about the society."

"But I don't know what to ask," I sighed and slumped down on the bed beside him, "there's too much to ask that I don't know where to start."

"I don't think there's a place to start," he shook his head at me, "it all comes full circle one way or another. I'll tell you anything you want to know."

I stayed silent before just leaning my head on Sunoo's shoulder, immediately getting my har ruffled by his hand that immediately flew up.

"Can I tell you something?" I whispered and he just hummed at me, "I don't think I'll ever adjust properly," I admitted and he immediately laced his fingers with mine.

"I don't think that's important," he softly reminded, "I think what is important is that you're happy, and you feel safe. Do you do that?"

"Yeah," I nodded as I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked up at him, "I do."

"Then what is there not to like?" he questioned me softly as a small smile spread on my face, "now... pack all of those books and I'll help you carry your bag around, because I doubt your back is gonna love you after that."

"I think you're right," I nodded with a small laugh at him, "but we'll carry it together then. One strap each," I remarked and he chuckled as he glanced over at me.

"Oh, you're serious," he slowly realized and I just nodded casually as I zipped up the bag, lifting it down onto the ground - soon enough seating myself where my bag had stood on the bed.

"Of course I am," I hummed, "why wouldn't I be?"

"I just... I don't know," he frowned in realization, "makes sense for us to take an equal amount of the burden, doesn't it?" 

"Yeah... that's what I thought," I slowly let out a small laugh at him, "Sunoo?"

"Yes cutie?" he questioned and looked up at me with a teasing smile.

"Can I pit Chiquitita on again?" I questioned and he tried to surpress his smile as he quietly nodded at me, gesturing towards his record player - silently inviting me to do as I please.

Within seconds I had sprung up from the bed and rushed over to pull out the familiar LP cover and carefully slid out the vinyl into my hand. I had watched Sunoo do the same routine with all of his records ever since I came here and I can now proudly announce that I am an intermediate in my skills of using a record player. 

Once the music finally began playing Sunoo let out a small laugh and glanced over his shoulder, just in time to watch me do a small twirl back to his bed, where I fell down and let out a small laugh.

"You really like that song, don't you?" he questioned and I just nodded at him, "it is good," he assured me, to which I simply smiled happily.

I watched in silence as Sunoo folded his clothes, laid a few books on top, shoving and pushing his toiletries, and such things before he eventually fought to get his bag zipped up. Only ending up earning a small laugh from me as he eventually managed to zip up his bag and drop it down on the ground - eventually falling back down beside me to quickly lean over and peck my cheek softly.

It seemed like I was getting addicted to how soft his lips felt against my cheek.

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