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Jungwon had picked me up earlier from back home, taking me to his dad's police station. He excused it with something being about the missing prisoners from the stasi jail.

"Did you say Fàn Jiang Hui?" Jungwon questioned and I quietly hummed with a small nod as he glanced over his shoulder at me, "alright..." he trailed off and continued flipping through files in the bottom drawer at his dad's desk, "here."

Jungwon quickly stood up and handed me a beigy-yellow file, on which my dad's name was scribbled onto the front.

"All they know on him so far is in it," Jungwon stated and tapped it softly, "I suggest that you read it through with Sunoo, rather than alone. I don't know what's in there and if it's anything bad then I don't want you reading it by yourself."

"Thank you, Jungwon," I smiled softly as I placed the file into my totebag.

"Alright, you better get home now. I'll look forward to January, when you start in our school," he stated and patted my back softly.

"Might start," I corrected as he just let out a small laugh and nodded in agreement.

"You better get home before dark falls. A bus goes from the corner in fifteen minutes," Jungwon remarked as he pointed up at the clock, "here, take a few coins for the bus ticket, they can get quite expensive even if it's inside the city walls."

"Yeah..." I murmured and he dug out a few spare coins from his pocket and handed to me, "thanks."

Jungwon sent me a small smile as he waved me out of the policestation once again and I rushed down towards the corner, where the busstop I would be taking a bus from was. There only were a few other people standing there to wait for the bus, whiel I quietly just stood with my hands in the pockets of my jacket, which Sunoo had provided me with. 

Everytime I let out a small breath a white fog would form in front of my face. Once in a while I would raise my hands up to my mouth to breathe on them and keep them warm.

"Hey there," someone spoke, making me turn my head to look at an older man.

"Hi...?" I slowly replied as I realized I was the one he was speaking to, immediately shoving my hands in my pockets, clutching the few coins Jungwon had given me for the busticket.

"Let me help keep you warm sweetie," he stated and reached out towards me, making his black coat give a bit more space to his large gut.

"No, I'm fine," I quietly shook my head, taking a step away from him.

"Oh come on, a little lady like you can't stand out here and freeze," he insisted and caressed my arms, making me immediately step away once again.

"I'm fine," I shook my head, "please leave me alone," somehow I hated how frail my voice sounded as I desperately tried to get away from the man, quietly wishing for Jungwon to soon leave the policestation and come to my aid.

"Why?" he questioned, his voice immediately dropping a lot deeper down.

"Because I'm tired and you're making me uncomfortable," I quietly whispered, hoping anyone nearby would come and help me, but everyone else waiting on the bus just stood there as if I wasn't there.

"Why are you being so arrogant? I'm just trying to help!" he exclaimed loudly.

"I don't need any help," I shook my head, "I'm kindly asking you to leave me alone because you're making me feel uncomfortable."

"Oh hey, I'm sorry for being late, you alright?" a somewhat familiar, yet still stranger voice exclaimed as I quickly looked towards the voice, feeling a lot more at ease by the familiar face of one of the Park twins rushing up and standing beside me, I'm pretty sure that twin was Jay, "let's go home, alright? When's the bus here?"

"Uhm... a few minutes," I excused as he just stood beside me, sending me a small smile. Making sure not to touch me in any way.

"Can I help you?" Jay turned to the man that had been talking to me just before.

"I was trying to help her but she's just an arrogant little whore," the man exclaimed and gestured to me.

"Did she reject your help?" Jay questioned and the man just nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets, "ah that's good, I see you really did listen when I told you not to accept anything from creepy old men, Sis," Jay remarked and smiled down at me, while I just nodded at him, grabbing tighter onto the coins in my pocket.

The man simply snorted as he sent me a glare and I leaned closer towards Jay, nudging his arm quietly. Immediately he threw an arm over my shoulders, bending his head down to whisper something to me.

"Are you alright?" he questioned and I just nodded with a small hum, "look I'm taking the bus with you and you'll just get off at the stop closest to Sunoo's place. If he gets off at the same stop as you I'll follow you up to the appartment door."

"Thank you," I whispered.

We both waited in silcen for the bus to arrive, and when it did Jay quickly made sure we were the first two on it, paying for both his own and my ticket before guiding me down to a seat, where I would sit in the windowseat and he would sit in the one beside me and aisle.

"Here," I whispered and dug out the coins Jungwon had given me, handing them to Jay, "for the busticket."

"It's fine," Jay shook his head.

"Jungwon gave them to me for the busticket," I shook my head at him.

"I'll give it to him at school tomorrow," he nodded and grabbed the coins from me, sending me a small smile that told me he knew that wasn't why I gave him the coins. He just wanted to insist on paying my busticket.

I pursed my lips as I looked back out at the the window and patiently waited for the familiar street to appear in my view. Jay didn't say anything as the bus rolled through the dark streets, affected by the winter time that caused the sun to go down some time around 5 or 6pm.

As the familiar street I now lived on rolled into my view Jay was quick to get up and walk me over to the doors, shielding me from the man on the busstop, who had gotten onto the bus as well. Yet, he luckily showed no signs of getting up.

The bus came to a halt, and Jay was quick to grab onto me, assuring that I didn't fall. When the busdoors opened Jay softly gave me a small push out the doors, looking out to me on the street.

"Now go up and say to your little boyfriend, from me," Jay called out and I let out a small smile at him, "feel free to tease him."

"Thank you," I called back at him as he just waved it off and pointed towards the appartment building I was going to enter to get home.

I watched the bus roll away again before running up to the appartment building and rushing inside into the warmth. It was beginning to get awfully cold outside the longer we got into December. 

I'm pretty sure I almost had ran up the stairs to the seventh floor, skipping a step here and there. 

Quietly unlocking the front door I rushed inside and rid myself of my boots and jacket while Sunoo rushed out to me, giving me an expecting look, knowing where I had been and for what reasons.

"He gave me the file," I nodded at Sunoo, "told me to look at it with you."

"You want to look at it now?" Sunoo questioned and I quietly nodded at him, "alright... then let's get ready to go to bed and take a look at it afterwards."

"Yeah..." I quietly nodded as he just smiled softly at me.

City Wall | K.SnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora