Part 6

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They didn't talk at all in the cab; Shi Qingxuan kept texting furiously, Lang Qianqiu seemed in shock, his adrenaline rush probably coming down, and Xie Lian didn't know what to think. He was feeling numb, with all that night's action; but above all he was thinking of Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng was so happy to see him, buying him yakisoba and taking him to his own home, and all he did was to bring trouble and ruin his market. He should have stayed with Lang Qianqiu all the time; he knew of the gang clash rumour. He closed his eyes, exhausted, and all he saw was Hua Cheng standing there, looking. He didn't know how he'd face him ever again.

They arrived at The Heavens, as Shi Qingxuan called an emergency meeting. They went to see Jun Wu, and he was there, dressed as if it was a normal working day. So were Mu Qing and Ling Wen. Feng Xin arrived with wet hair and a holdall crossed on his chest.

"What? I was in the gym", he said, while everyone else of course thought, on a Saturday night?

Jun Wu started the meeting, "We're here following Shi Qingxuan's call, regarding a knife incident. Lang Qianqiu, what happened? I understand you drew a knife at Hua Cheng, unprovoked?"

Lang Qianqiu was standing there, sullenly. Jun Wu carried on,

"I'm sure you know this is a police matter really, should he press charges", he continued.

"Principal, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have taken Lang Qianqiu there", Shi Qingxuan said, his voice trembling slightly. "I can go and speak to Hua Cheng, offer compensation or something", and he turned to Xie Lian, "You tell him we can sort it all, money isn't a problem".

Xie Lian said, with a small voice, shaking his head, "Money isn't a problem".

He didn't want to think too much of himself, but he was sure Hua Cheng was feeling pretty much backstabbed right now. And he couldn't blame him.

They all looked at Lang Qianqiu, and he was looking at Xie Lian, his gaze unmoving, his eyes getting redder and redder as if he was suppressing strong feelings with a great effort.

"You", he said, "You're responsible for my brother's death. You groomed him online, together with Qi Rong. I can't believe it you were hiding in plain sight, FANGXIN!"

No one understood anything, but Xie Lian's face gave away Lang Qianqiu was onto something.

"FangXin? What FangXin? What are you talking about?", Mu Qing asked.

"FangXin was someone they all talked about. My brother, Qi Rong. He disappeared after my brother's death, pretty suspicious right?", Lang Qianqiu said in one breath, shaking slightly to control himself from exploding. "And you", he said to Xie Lian, "Back at the market, you gave away you're FangXin!"

XieLian had indeed said too much when he was trying to soothe Lang Qianqiu. He just stayed there, frozen, in shock.

"What is he talking about?", Feng Xin asked, looking at Xie Lian. "You have nothing to do with that right?", he turned to Jun Wu, "Principal. Lang Qianqiu isn't thinking straight. We all remember the story of how An Le died back in the day. It was all over the news."

"It was overdose", Ling Wen said, quickly looking at Lang Qianqiu's files and all the links relating to this case on her laptop.

"I didn't say he killed my brother", Lang Qianqiu shouted, "But he is to blame!"

They all had a bad feeling about the whole story; why Lang Qianqiu, a good-natured boy, was behaving like that? And why wasn't Xie Lian saying anything to defend himself?

"Let's all calm down", Jun Wu said. He got up, walking to the window, turning his back to them all. He seemed to think and weight his options, and finally turned around.

"Xie Lian. Were you this FangXin he's talking about?"

"I was", Xie Lian says. Feng Xin and Shi Qingxuan gasped in shock; Mu Qing widened his eyes.

"There must be some kind of mistake, surely", Shi Qingxuan said.

Jun Wu raised his hand, "Let's not be hasty". "Xie Lian. Lang Qianqiu. I will ask both of you to stay at the dorms. Ling Wen can give you passes. You're not arrested or anything, I don't have such authority; but I'm going to ask you to not to leave, till we can clarify this matter further".

"Sir", Xie Lian said, lowering his head.

Lang Qianqiu didn't reply, but he obviously didn't like this outcome, feeling Jun Wu was protecting Xie Lian somehow. At least he seemed calmer, once he formally exposed Xie Lian, and his accusation was acknowledged.

Both of them left, after collecting passes with Ling Wen, to opposite sides on the dorm building. They were unescorted; Jun Wu didn't believe they were going to run away, or decide matters with their own hands. Shi Qingxuan, Feng Xin, Mu Qing and Ling Wen stayed behind.

... to be continued... 😉

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Next bit coming soon, At the Green Ghost Lair! 😍 

(by the way my favourite bit on the original book - so no pressure here!) 

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