Part 18 - That's how passes away glory of this world

Start from the beginning

Your POV:
After three hours we left the cinema satisfied from the movie. Frankly speaking, I knew it would be good, but I didn't expect it to be such a masterpiece. Waiting few years for the release was definitely worth it, as all of us enjoyed it, but felt a void in our hearts knowing, it would never get a sequel. Unfortunately all seats were reserved for the second film, so we have decided to go somewhere else, and after a short consultation we made up our decision to go to a restaurant and eat something.

Luckily I knew how good were certain places and which ones we should avoid, and fifteen minutes later we were ordering lunch for ourselves. It was 2:30 p.m. already, nobody knew when our would start getting destroyed, but all newspapers and media were already talking about it. According to tapes which appeared with the machine, we had between four to six hours left, but it didn't matter anymore. The world was beautiful again, SCP-001 has activated once again, and this time, we were going to try and enjoy it, as there was nothing we could do anymore.

After half an hour, our meals were ready, so we started eating, and just like before, I wasn't disappointed. Everything was tasty, maybe even more than usually, which was probably a side effect of 001 scenario, but neither of us complained, and at 3:30 p.m. we left the restaurant with full stomachs. All people around us looked tired and didn't care too much about anything else, but we decided to ignore it and go to a park for a walk, and while we were walking, Abel asked us a question:

- Out of curiosity, how are we going to die in here? Are we all going to die spontaneously or what?

- Most likely we will get crushed by floating mass caused by the anomaly of that machine. Another option would be death from lack of oxygen when the entire atmosphere disappears and somehow we will be still alive. - Cain responded without thinking about it.

- And our abilities are not going to save us?

- I highly doubt it, and even if they do, you will be forced to keep dying after leaving your coffin, while for me it will be an eternal torture because I will be unable to die.

- Thanks brother, you truly know how to comfort somebody... - Abel said with an irony in his voice.

- I am sorry I wanted to be honest with you.

But to be frank, it didn't matter if Cain wanted to be honest or not, he was right. There were people in there who in theory should be impossible to kill, and nobody knew what would happen to them. Would they receive a peaceful death, or would they be forced to spend an eternity in a completely empty universe? These thoughts probably bothers both of them, because they were immortal in their own, unique way.

After the walk in a park, we wanted to go to a swimming pool, but as it turned out, it was completely full, so we abandoned this idea, and went to get ourselves some ice-cream. It was already 5 p.m., earthquakes started appearing but we knew they would only get stronger the closer we got the end of this day.

Olivia's POV:
Everything was ready. I performed every but last three steps of my plan, and now, there was nothing else to do. I still remembered what Scarlet King promised me. Glory in his palace, wealth, and basically everything I could imagine. At the same time I remembered about my friends, and I knew what would happen if I destroyed the entire universe with them inside. Time was ticking, and they didn't have much more left, so without hesitation I decided to save them from disaster. Having tracked their location I opened a portal behind them and stepped through, in order to take them out of this sinking ship.

Your POV:
The entire world was shaking, and we knew it was over, but surprisingly, we didn't see a single living soul for almost half an hour. Everyone was already at home with their families, while we were sitting outside, watching how the apocalypse was happening. Buildings were collapsing, in few places lava started appearing, as cracks already reached the mantel of our planet, while our group was trying to keep balance in these last moments.

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