1 - new perspective

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Josephine Langford

Worn out from the late-night shift, I enter my small apartment— careful not to trip in the dark before I turn the light switches on. Tossing my keys aside, I drop them in the bowl as a tired yawn escapes my mouth.

Tipping in the kitchen with the hope that there must be some food left from last night—27 hours ago when I left this house—but I'm met with nothing but a package of bread, which I'm pretty sure is expired too.

Thankful to god, I find some chocolate peanut spread in the fridge— which should work as dinner for tonight.

Following my daily routine— I turn on the television as its sound fills in my empty apartment. My fingers immediately turn on my comfort show, Big Bang Theory, as it continues from where I left it last time.

I don't really mind being alone, living alone, but deep down I do miss having the people I love around. There's no one waiting for me when I get back home from a long shift, no one to ask me how my day went, no one to have food ready for me, or even being company for me.

At times like these is when I rethink my decision of moving out of my house and moving closer to my campus and job, leaving all of my friends and family behind.

It's not gonna be like this forever, Jo.

Consoling myself like I do every day, I decided to finish some laundry—which will leave me with no work for tomorrow.

The sound of my favorite characters talking keeps me company when my phone's ringing travels through the house and I start recollecting if it's Saturday.

As my best friend's name flashes on the screen of my phone, requesting Face time, it confirms with me that it is Saturday, after all.

"How you doing doctor Jo?" her enthusiastic voice greets me, filling the void in my heart that was feeling a little lonely as I'm met with her beautiful smile.

"I'm fine, and not a doctor yet" I roll my eyes at her, propping the pillow before I sink in the bed.

"For me, you became a doctor the day you graduated high school" she throws the same joke she makes every time as according to her, I "study my ass off"

"Right. How's my little star? I haven't seen her in so long"

"Eva, look who it is!" as she turns the camera to her daughter, I'm greeted with the biggest smile prompted by the one-year-old, her pacifier falling down as she looks to the screen then back at her mum.

"Jo!" She claps her tiny hands together, clearly being in a better mood than she was the last time we talked and she wouldn't stop crying.

"I miss you Ev" a frown takes over my face as I'm reminded that I haven't met with my favorite set of mother-daughter in weeks or even months, the way Eva looks so older every call.

"That's also part of the reason why I'm calling" Kiara's voice answers as she takes the phone back to her face. "We haven't met with you in so fucking long Jo, it's been ages!"

I cock my eyebrow at her for swearing in front of her baby, and she just responds with an eye roll, slipping back to her conversation.

"Can you please remove time for us from your extra tight schedule, Josephine?" her voice takes a sarcastic yet pleading tone as I begin to think of my schedule tomorrow.

"Why, of course. Anything for you"

"Tomorrow? Seawood cafe at 3"

"I'll be there"I give her a small smile, thankful for the irony that I have a day off tomorrow.

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