Scaramouche, Scaramouche, Will He Do The Fandango?

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"Where's Rex Lapis?" Bosacius muttered.

It was right then that Xiao felt the hairs on his arms stand on end. He had barely a second to register danger before there was a flash of blinding light, immediately followed by a deafening, roaring thunder. So loud, he could barely hear Bonanus' yell of "BE ON GUARD AND SURROUND THEM!"

Even so, with the instincts embroidered into him, he quickly put on his Yaksha mask and leaped towards the disappearing flash, shoving his spear just a few centimeters away from the intruder's bare neck.

From four other directions, the intruder was also met with the bloodlust-tainted weapons of four other Yakshas. Still, the intruder kept a cool composure. In fact, Xiao found it even more unnerving that they began to laugh.

"So these are the famous and all-powerful Yakshas greeting me on Liyue's doorstep! Consider me honoured," they said gleefully and with a hint of mockery. Xiao hadn't wanted more than ever to behead this rude creature.

Said rude creature was definitely not from Liyue. His black robes were not native to these lands. Moreover, those blooming white flowers on his head...Xiao had never seen them before.

"What business do you have with Liyue?" Bonanus demanded threateningly. Her iron-clad grip on her glowing sword was unrelenting. The intruder peeked at her through their midnight blue bangs, their purple eyes shining with mirth.

"I'm here to meet with your great god, Morax! Or should I say, the first Geo Archon."

The entire mountain became pin-drop silent as the adepti processed the intruder's words. Xiao had already known that his Lord, Rex Lapis, would become the Geo Archon, but why did this person so openly announce it?

As if summoned by those words, a great shadow flew overhead. A rocky brown dragon with luminesce sunset orange back scales landed grandly with its horns held high. The Yakshas, Xiao included, put away their weapons in one swift motion and got onto one knee.

"Rex Lapis," they said in unison.

The other adepti followed suit. There was shuffling as each of them got onto their knees, each with their head bowed in respect.

"Stand up," said Rex Lapis. Turning his furry head to the unknown person, he bristled. "Declare yourself."

With grace, the intruder bowed, a playful grin on his pale face. "This one is a messenger from Celestia. My name is Scaramouche."

From...Celestia? This rude creature?

Xiao felt like he ought to apologise for his previous actions, but Scaramouche's attitude pissed him off, so Xiao kept his mouth shut. Messenger from Celestia or not, for now, he just had to watch out for any cunning tricks Scaramouche might pull.

Upon hearing Scaramouche's declaration, even Rex Lapis seemed befuddled. "Does Celestia have a message for me?"

"Mmmhm!" Scaramouche hummed. He then leisurely approached Rex Lapis. Xiao's hand twitched, itching to summon his spear. He was getting way too close.

Just as he was an arm's reach from Rex Lapis, Scaramouche stopped, that mischievous smile still on his face.

"One of the seven survivors of the Archon War, I now declare Morax the Geo Archon!" Scaramouche announced with grandiose. From within the folds of his black robes, he pulled out a pulsating golden chess piece, one that matched the colours of Rex Lapis' piercing eyes.

Getting onto one knee, Scaramouche presented the chess piece to Rex Lapis. "This is the Gnosis of Geo. It will allow one to resonate with the powers of Celestia - and it is now yours."

In a burst of Geo energy, the dragon disappeared. Now, as tall as a human being, Rex Lapis stepped forward and cautiously took the glowing Gnosis from Scaramouche's cupped hands.

"Your message has been well received," Rex Lapis dismissed. "Please send my regards to Celestia."

Getting up onto his feet once more, Scaramouche bowed, "Of course, Morax."

Xiao released a breath he didn't know he had been holding in until then. The annoying messenger was finally about to leave - good riddance.

However, Cloud Retainer came then, flapping her azure wings in trepidation.

"My Lord Rex Lapis!" she cried. "One is sorry to interrupt, but one just felt an unfamiliar powerful presence climbing this mountain."

"Oho," Scaramouche mused. "This sounds interesting. Guess I'm staying a couple more minutes."

This fellow...he's really thinking of everything here as a show, isn't he? Xiao clicked his tongue in annoyance.

But he quickly focused his mind on the important thing now. The silhouette of the unfamiliar powerful presence Cloud Retainer had just spoken of was merely a distance away, placidly approaching them.

Even from this distance, Xiao could feel it. It was almost like the presence of a god's - overwhelming but also...nostalgic?

The silhouette paused. The rising morning sun behind their back illuminated their features, revealing their identity.

Braided blond hair, honey-coloured eyes, a stark white scarf flapping in the wind.

Xiao's golden eyes widened in disbelief.

Aether, after many years had passed by, still appeared the same as ever. As attractive as ever. He didn't seem to have aged - the only difference was that he had a totally different aura and his chestplate and single earring was a glowing pure white.

As the target of a million stares, particularly one of an Anemo Yaksha, Aether nervously attempted a smile. "Long time no see, guys."

Aether: In light of the Archon War, you can hug me for four to five seconds
Aether: No! Four to five- you know what that's fine too

In The Midst of SnowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora