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If you got here, I assume you've finished reading the story. First of all,  thank you for reading it (I hope you liked it).

I want to say that English isn't my mother tongue and I'm sorry if there are any mistakes in language/grammar.

I want to thank everybody who gave my story a chance, especially the ones, who voted for it (which's one person right now, LMAO) and left a comment (nobody right now). Also the ones, who added this story to their reading list.

You probably noticed that my motivation has decreased by the end, but I wanted to finsih this story, so...

I also want to thank my best friend, who actually made me read English books. Thank you, for always being there for me!

I also need to thank my English teacher, I guess.

And yeah, since I'm not a professional writer, there aren't hundreds and hundreds of people I must acknoweledge, so that's it.

I might write a sequel (with different characters). If I do, I'll note it here.

I'd be glad if you follow me!

Spring FeelingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora