Chapter 4- Gowns and flowers

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Only one more week unteil spring recess. Tia, Gemma and I want to make a weekend trip to Gemma's mom, who has a mansion in Miami Beach.

I prepare myself a sandwich just when my dad storms into the kitchen. He seems unusually cheerful.

"Hey, dad!"

"Hey, sunshine! What are you doing?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Why didn't you say anything? - I could have gotten you one from Subway!"

"No, I like doing that. But...why are you...?" I gesture around with my hands.

"Guess what!"

"You'll tell me, won't you?"

"In front of you is the organizer of Hollywood's annual spring ball."

"Wow...that's like...a big deal."

"And what a big deal that is! Keep 12th of April free!"

"But...I'm in Miami with my friends, then."

"Miami? What do you want there anyway?"

"Spending time with my friends?"

"Tia and Gemma's families will be invited, too."

"But...I really wanted to go there."

"Hogwash! Miami is much nicer in summer anyway, go then. What about summer break?"


"I'll make some preperations...and by the way, the ball is flower-themed."

I sigh. He's already left the kitchen. I look at the sandwich...I'm definitely no more hungry.

camluvscoffee: How's project "Coming-out" going? Any improvements?

deliagm: It hasn't even started, yet.

camluvscoffee: You can't put it off all the time!

deliagm: My dad's just ruined my spring access - I'm not really in the mood to talk to him...

camluvscoffee: Oh, that sucks.

If she only knew...


I'm at Rodeo Drive with my friends, looking for a gown. It's hard, finding a floral dress without looking like you've stepped out of the 30's.

Gemma points at a white dress. "What about that one?"

"Gem, I'm pretty sure that's a bridal gown", Tia says.

"Dede, do you have a crush?", Gemma asks out of nowhere.

"How did you come up with something like that in this highly stressful situation?", I ask.

"I just want to know who to ship you with."

"Now of all times?"

"There will be a lot of people at the ball."

"I think Marilyn Monroe's kinda hot."

"Oh, so old school it is?"

I'm reluctant to remind you of your crush on Brad Pitt."

"Will he be at the ball, too?"

"Who knows."

Gemma gasps.

"Dede! That one?" Tia is much further ahead than we are.

She points at a mint gown with embroidered flowers on collar, straps and hem.

"It's perfect!", I mumble.

"Try it on!" She hands me the dress and I disappear into a dressing room.

Just a few minutes later I step out of the dressing room, where many Wow's and Oh's await me.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to take this one. Now we just need another two gowns for the two of you and some dresses for the after-party."

"Oh no, I thought that was it!", Gemma whines.

"That's done quickly! We won't be the center of attention, like Dede", Tia says and holds up two plainer gowns - one in dusy pink and the other one in lavender. She hands Gemma the lavender one.


This exhausting shopping-day's finally over. In addition to the gowns we bought matching outfits for the after-party. A black jumpsuit for me, a black mini-dress for Tia and a black two-piece for Gemma.

We're at Renzo's. By far the best Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills. And there are no paparazzi.

Gemma's half Italian - and that's pretty much the only reason why we know this insider tip. Ronzo, the owner, is a former school friend of Gemma's dad.

Since we got here, Gemma's been on her phone.

"What are you doing, Gem?", I ask her.

"I'm sending you Marilyn Monroe-edits", shey says, highly concentrated.

I take a look at my phone. Plenty of messages by Gemma. I've muted my phone, so I didn't notice.


Tia finsihes her soda quickly. "I gotta go, girls. Alan's waiting." She kisses us both on the cheeks and puts a 50$-bill on the table.

"By, have fun!", Gemma calls after her.

"Do you have another crush? I can barely find any more Marilyn-edits."

"Maybe. But I won't make the mistake of telling you again."

My phone rings. Gemma catches it, before I can.

"Who is camluvscoffee?", she asks.

"Nobody", I say.

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"She is know."

"Unlock your phone!"

"I don't even think about it."

"Unlock your phone or I'll create a shippage for Marilyn and you."

"Does the word shippage even exist?"

"That doesn't matter at all. UN-LOCK! Now!"

I unlock my phone and hand it to Gemma.

"She's so cute!", Gemma says after a while. "And hot."

"Nice, you could date her."

"I definitely would if I were into women."

"Gem...she's not a love interest. She just gave my some advices...for my coming-out. To my dad, you know."

"Dede, I have to tell you something", Gemma says, almost whispering.


"Tia's acting kinda strange."

"Of course, she is. After all, she's newly in love."

"No, not in relation to that matter."

"What do you mean, then?"

"About you."

"About me?"

"The day after our sleepover, she called me and asked me if I also felt uncomfortable sleeping in the same room with you?"

I swallow. "But her was pretty good and she was so caring."

"I don't think she's homophobic, Dede. She simply can't handle change."

Tia's my oldest and best friend. I knew her for years before I got to know Gemma. Why would she feel uncomfortable around me now. I wonder, if she's also like that around boys (who aren't Alan).

"Thank you for telling me, Gem."

"I couldn't keep it to myself. But don't say a word to Tia. She mustn't know, I told you."

I nod. Did my coming-out damage our relationship?

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