Chapter 6

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"Yes. I want the Princess. I boldly said smirking and looking straight into King Zuzul's eyes.

"No!!!! Are you out of your mind?? He said huffing loudly.

Rabiu and Akubo both looked petrified, their eyes filled with thousands of questions. "Why? Rabiu calmly whispered but I ignored him and I took few steps closer to Zuzul and began speaking calmly.

"Then I hope you're prepared to face Ankpa and her strong allies. Don't bother thinking you'll have a backup from the kingdom you pleaded support from, I have already blocked your boundary with my strong allies troops. In one word, your kingdom is approaching her doom. So the great King Zulzul will let his pride stand his way and let his kingdom fall?" I concluded in a cunning manner.

"Let's go. I said to Rabiu and Akubo. I've given them a fair favorable offer, like our people say, you can force a horse to the river but you can't force it to drink from the river.

"King Zulzul I called again turning to face him. "You have the knife and the yam, only you know where to slice." I said and exist his courtroom with Rabiu, Akubo and my soldiers followed.

Soon after I threatened the Shendam allies to back off and command them to send words that they chose to remain neutral and don't want to be involved in the war to King Zulzul.

"Agagu, Rabiu said sitting on the floor of my sleeping chamber tent. "All the shendam allied kingdoms have sent their withdrawal from the war to the Gamai. He said with a smile of relief.

I calmly nodded my head with eyes slightly shut puffing off the tobacco smoke from my nostril. "The king is a weakling. He have no strong political will and it made it so easy for me to get what I want out of him I concluded.

"Agagu! That means you've found yourself a new concubine in your harem back in Ankpa. Rabiu said chuckling. I simply nodded smirking evilly.

"But how did you know of the Princess ? He asked looking confused.

"Rabiu you really underestimate my abilities. You of all people should know my political tactics, my renowned political skills. I am never caught up with in any situation concerning my pride and kingdom. I concluded sipping fresh palm wine from a wooden tumbler.


King Zulzul seek an audience with OnuEfa!!! An eunuch announced at the front of my tent chambers. I nodded to my personal guard Ebije, 'He shall enter' He said in his deep aggressive voice.

The Gamai entered my chambers with his guards waiting outside the tent. He had gloomy expressions, I stretched out my hand over to a wooden chair for him as he sat gently as if hurting the wood.

"What brings the great Gamai to my humble tent? I said with a hint of tease.

"The court and I have considered your offer. He said masking his anxiety.

"Oh that is good news then. I replied sitting on the bed.

"And your daughter? Are you here with her? I asked smirking lightly. The Gamai beheld his gaze at me with baffling expression. It took him a while to comprehend and he began speaking.

"I haven't told Bashira about your intentions. He said with a hint of sadness.

Bashira... I knew there was something about her. She is indirectly my namesake. MashaAllah.! I inhaled sharply and continued

"Why haven't you??? I asked loosing my temper. Do you think I'm here to joke?

"No OnuEfa, the thing is..,, you see... he hesitated.

"Speak up!!! I spat.

"My daughter.. she hates the Igalas so much, most especially you, OnuEfa. After the war, the poor child have developed such a vibrant hatred towards you, I'm still thinking of a way to break the news to her, if I had another daughter I could have given her without any worry. He concluded.

"Hmm.... Gamai Shendam , are you questioning my choice, are you saying I made the wrong choice? That I do not know what I want? Is that it?? I asked with both brows raised.

"No No that's not what I meant, I mean Bashira is a hard nut to crack. She won't be easily convinc-

"Convince your daughter!!! I yelled angrily. "You may go. I said pointing over to the exist.

His face dropped, he bowed and exist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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