Chapter 2

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5 years later...

Bashir's POV

I entered my luxurious camp, my personal valet came and took off my sword and armours. Free from it I sat on a chair as anticeptic was being applied on my cuts. The battle was over, many had died, the Gamai of Shendam King Zuzul Adhab Sagri has surrendered under my rule, gradually I'm conquering the Jukun states and it is my first footstep to rule the entire Jukun empire and defeat King Babis for good. Many Jukun small kingdoms which refuse to bow down was under my conquered states and has accepted me as their supreme ruler.

General Akubo enters!! A eunuch announced the arrival of my army general.

"Your majesty, congratulations on this great victory. I nodded relaxing on the chair with my eyes slightly shut. "But I must confess the soldiers are so eager to return home. He paused and continued, "they have been on the battlefield for 6months and it will take another month to reach home."

"Yes.. I understand their longing. After meeting with the war minister tomorrow we'll decamp and head straight to Ankpa. I said calmly.

"Agaguuu!! He bowed and exist.

After meeting with the war minister Enebgani Idoko, I took a stroll out of the camp to a peaceful green forest unlike my kingdom which the terrain is rough and not so green. It was early harmattan season and the cold breeze fan my face as I gesture my personal guards to return back to the camp because there is hardly any enemy left after the battle and they have surrendered to me and agreed to a treaty. The guards hesitated but I waited for a few seconds before walking away and felt lighter and free without feeling their breath on my neck all the time . I walked through the green grass and climbed a slender mountain walking towards the woods. I could see various animals unaffected by the war. I finally came to a oak tree and decided to rest under its canopy. I drop my sword and sat under it resting my head on the bank and slowly I began dozing off due to the solitude I was enjoying.

I suddenly heard someone screamed. I became alerted and jumped up instantly and started moving into the deep forest with my sword carefully observing where the scream came from. I found myself in front of a water body, a large lake. The sun shone on its waters sparkling like a diamond. I watched the view awestruck. The beauty and nature's tranquility is so overwhelming.

Suddenly a soft voice drew my attention. I look over and saw faint figures at the far end of the lake. The murky color of the water prevented me from seeing clearly but I could make out the ripples.. is that a girl? I thought and gently move through the bush beside the lake making it to the other end without being seen. I hid behind a tree but kept an eye, within a second a figure leaped out of the water. I blinked and it took me few seconds to realize that it was truly a woman with her chest and hips covered and the rest of her body wet and exposed. She walked out of the water squeezing her wet afro hair as another young girl rushed out handling her a cloth to dry herself. I have grown in my royal court room , battlefields, war camps and living in nature for months but this is something I do not see everyday. Ever since I took the throne, women were my last concern, I was so determined in killing King Babis and taking over his empire.

I quietly moved over to another tree keeping a good distance not to be caught in order to get a closer look on the lady. She was now dressed in a black long gown and her silky hair now fully covered.I became speechless seeing her seductive aura, she sat on a rock beside the lake playing with its water with her legs lost in her own world.

Soon the lady got up with the younger girl leaving the lake to a thick bush. I quietly tracked her as they walked with haste and speaking unknown language for about 5mins. I covertly followed her keeping enough distance.

Soon they stood before huge buildings. I remain hidden in the bush, this look like the Gamai palace... I remembered we fought there weeks ago until the king surrendered. I thought as my eyes screened the building fence walls looking for clues.

She hurriedly exist into the palace through a small door. If I followed her to the palace, I might be caught as my identity was revealed on the battlefield. Whoever this girl is, she is not special and can't seduce me into making rash decisions. I returned back to the camp as general Akubo hurriedly approached me looking so terrified because of my brief absent.

"Agaguu! Where have you been? He asked panting.

"I went on a brief stroll I replied approaching my tent.

"All arrangements have been made to decamp. He said handling me a scroll which contains lists of wounded and deceased soldiers.

"We'll spare few days. There's a matter I must attend to before we leave.

"Bu-but- .. we're fully ready to leave. He stammered through his sentence.

"You dare challenge your king!?? I spat glaring at him with my hands calmly folded behind me.

"No- No how could I !? No your majesty. He said kneeling down with hands on the floor.

"Good. I said and gesture him to exist. And proceeded to my sleeping chambers in the tent.

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