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Paris, France

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Paris, France. 09:00. Bistrot Du Crossaint.

If someone were to come up and ask me if it was worth it, my answer would be yes. It'll always be yes. Tomorrow, the next day, a month from now, even three years down the line. It'll always be yes. Having to leave MI6 and enter witsec will always be worth it for him. Because of him, I got to feel something real. Be touched like I'm worth it and not just a piece of meat.  I got to experience life, something my life had been void of for a while. I got to experience so many things because of him. So yes, he will always be worth it and I'd pick whatever outcome just to experience it all over again. He's worth it.

I know that his idea of me is now one of hate. Misconstrued. I never let him know who I really was, then again at this point I barely know who I am. I'm slowly but surely learning. I've come to find out that I love lattes, especially when the baristas add little art into them with the foam. I love walking around cities and just breathing in the air. I love layering my clothing and my favourite season is the wintertime. Paris really sold that for me.

Paris. I have fallen in love with Paris. My new home and for once I feel comfortable saying that. Not happy but comfortable, content. I guess that's all I can really ask for when it comes to a witness protection placement. There isn't much I can say or do.

I have severed all ties with MI6.

I can't remember the last time I spoke with Jesse or even Wren.

I just got bad vibes from both of them and turned in my badge. After finding love, or at least what felt like love on my end (something that took me far too long to admit) I decided that I needed to do what was best for myself.

And the best thing for me is to just reconcile with my inner self. To heal my inner child.

There are so many things I never got to experience growing up. Never got to experience while I was working in MI6.

Last week I had the chance to go to Disney. I ended up buying an autograph book from one of the shoppes and went around, accruing every autograph.

I remember bending down before Rapunzel, letting her set the ears that I had purchased atop my head. I remember watching Mickey take my hand to press a kiss to the back of it. I remember the beast placing his arm over his mid-section before bowing before me and taking my hand so we can take pictures as if we're slow dancing.

I remember not even caring about the fast passes, willingly standing in the queues for every ride because I wanted to hit them all. I stayed for two days just to ensure that I managed to ride all of them at least once.

My inner child is slowing but surely healing.

"Prêt?" A soft voice interrupts me from getting lost in my mind.

I move to glance back down at the menu, letting my eyes wander over it to figure out what I want to order. Despite the fact that my order never changes, I still go over the menu.

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