Chapter 4 - Acceptable Risk

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"I'm good. Let's cut to the chase" Eddie says bluntly.

"You ended it. You did your job. I'm not here to discuss the use of lethal force. Clearly, the suspect...sorry, subject, had shown the intent to kill. I just need to hear and assess the details and deliver my report" Jill explains and Eddie sighs as he looks down at the file on the table.

"Well, it's all right there in the transcripts. What else do you need to know? We entered the building, then we contained, isolated and neutralized the threat" Eddie advises camly.

"Are you comfortable with that language?" Jill questions curiously.

"What do you mean?" Eddie asks, confused.

"Well, you don't want to see blase. Neutralize the threat. What you really mean is...

"Kill someone. What's your point?" Eddie questions.

"Does thinking in those terms help get the job done?" Jill asks, crossing her arms on the table.

"Not at all.It's never easy to take a life. Even when that life is what saves a number of others" Jules answers honestly.

"Which, of course, you did tonight" Jill admits and Jules nods her head.

"That's right," Jules says.

"What was the final count?" Jill asks curiously.

"The number shot? Ten dead, three wounded" Spike answers.

"Ten dead. That includes the shooter, the one your team killed?" Jill questions harshly and Spike just nods his head.

Team One arrives on site to see crowds of people running out of the museum in a panic as flashing blue and red lights fill their dark surroundings. "Say, buddy, talk to me, okay? How many casualties?" Greg asks as he walks over towards a security guard who was holding up a woman in a red dress with blood running down her skin who just ran out the front doors.

"Got five. Five dead so far" the guard says.

"Please, my husband, he's still in there! Please!" the woman cries as she reaches for Greg's arm.

"Can we get a paramedic over here?" Greg yells as he waves his hand.

"How long since the last shot was fired?" Greg asks curiously as the woman walks away with the Paramedics.

"Four-four minutes ago" the guard stutters.

"You get a look at the shooter?" Greg then questions as crowds of people begin to form around the emergency vehicles.

"No, I was patrolling the hallway. I didn't see anything out of place, and everything looked as it should be" the guard answers.

"Do you have any idea how many people are left inside?" Greg then asks.

"M-maybe two-two hundred and fifty?" the guard advises and Greg nods his head as Eddie walks towards them.

"Eddie, seven shots fired. Hasn't gone to ground. Looks like a spree. Random shooting pattern, high kill ratio" Greg states and Eddie looks towards the guard.

"What kind of event was this?" Eddie questions confused.

"A company party for Brenton, Inc" the guard advises.

"Brenton, Inc.?" Greg asks, shocked, causing Eddie to look towards him quickly.

"Yeah" the guard nods.

"What is it?" Eddie asks.

"Alex. Alex said she was going with her friend to a charity gala for Brenton, Inc" Greg explains as he turns and looks at the crowds of people before turning and looking towards the building.

Flashpoint (Season 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن