Chapter 5

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After saying my last goodbye to the girls, Storm and Angel transported us to my backyard. When they did, I tried to punch both of them in their stomachs but didn't succeed. However, they did let me go. I quickly ran back to the house, trying to make it back to my friends but they both tackled me to the ground, immediately tickling my hips. "Why are you doing this to me?!" I screamed. "Because we love you." Storm said, shocking me to the core. I tried to push them off but nothing would work. "Stop fighting. You're with us from now on." Storm said as I saw something land on the ground behind us. Storm and Angel stopped tickling me and picked me up. Storm carried me by my arms and Angel carried me by my legs. They walked towards the weird contraption and it looks like some kind of airplane. "Where are you taking me?!" I said, struggling in their grip but they didn't respond. "HELP!" I screamed out. "No one can hear you love. You're invisible to this world." Angel said, making my heart drop. "MOM! DAD!" I yelled as they carried me onto the airplane. "HOPE! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed as the airplane doors closed.

Once they closed, I immediately started crying. I didn't even notice how interesting and cool the plane looked. The chairs are all around the plane, like what you would see in a limo, and then the pilot of the plane is closed off. "Eloise, we promise we're not going to hurt you." Storm said as they sat me down on the chair, both of them kneeling on the floor in front of me and resting their arms on my thighs. I covered my face and continued crying. "You took me away from my family and all my friends." I cried out. "That's because we had to. You belong with us." Angel said and I just shook my head no and continued crying. Then there was silence for a little bit but I knew they were still there because their arms were still resting on my thighs. "Hey Storm?" Angel said. "Yeah?" Storm replied. "Do you by any chance know what sound a clock makes? I can't seem to remember." Angel said, making me frown with confusion from under my hands. How did he forget something like that? And why ask about it now? "Oh that's easy." Storm said as I felt his hands moved a little bit on my thighs. "It goes tic..." he said, squeezing the area in between my legs when he said tic, which made me giggle and push him away with my hands. "toc." Storm said, squeezing my thighs again, making me laugh harder. "Stop!" I giggled. "There's that beautiful smile." Angel said with a smirk. "Shut up." I said, going to cover my face again. "You know, I've always wondered what sound a piggy makes." Storm said as I felt both of them reach for my feet, which had no shoes since when they came to kidnap me, I was in my pajamas and barefoot. "No! Please!" I said, immediately uncovering my face and scooting away. "Where are you going?" Storm asked as they both approached me with wiggling fingers. I immediately started giggling and scooted away from them more and more. "Stay back!" I giggled. "Or what?" Angel asked. "Or, um..." I said, looking at my surroundings. I saw a pillow not far from me and grabbed it before saying "I'll hit you both with this pillow. And I'm an expert at pillow fights. " I said, making them both smirk. "Oh yeah?" They both asked before each of them grabbed pillows of their own. "Game on." Storm said as they both ran towards me. "AH!" I screamed, closing my eyes and swinging my pillow in all different directions. Then they both tackled me to the ground, making me drop my pillow, and continuously hit me softly with their pillows. "That's not fair! It was two against one!" I giggled right before they both started tickling my stomach, making me giggle even more. "Awww poor Eloise." Angel teased, making Storm laugh. "You're both going to pay! I'm the queen of pillow fights!" I giggled out. "Hey there's one other sound I want to hear Storm." Angel said. "No more sounds!" I giggled, making both of them laugh. "Ignore the evil ticklish cutie." Storm said as he dug his finger into my bellybutton, making me squeal. "You're evil!" I giggled, making them both smirk. "What sound did you want to hear?" Storm asked. "The sound of an elephant." Angel said, making my eyes widen with realization. "NO!" I squealed as they both blew huge raspberries into my stomach. "Attention passengers. We have arrived in Leilea." An automated voice announced and the boys finally stopped. "We're going to have a lot of fun with you." Angel said. "How could you say that? You took me away from my family and friends." I told them, crossing my hands to show I'm still irritated with them, even though they did cheer me up a little bit. "I'm not sure how to make you feel better but you know what would make me feel better?" Storm said and I shook my head no. "This." Storm said before bringing his head close to my neck and planting soft kisses all over my neck. "AH! Okay that's enough!" I giggled, feeling myself start to blush immensely. "I want kisses too! Angel said, joining Storm to give me ticklish kisses on my neck. "No!" I squealed, erupting into uncontrollable giggles and blushing even more as they both continued showering me with kisses. "You're so adorable." Storm whispered. "You smell amazing!" Angel whispered. "Guys oh my gosh it tickles!" I giggled out, trying to push them away but they just wrapped their arms around me and pulled me in closer. This is NOT the treatment I would expect from two people who just kidnapped me.

Hope's POV

I don't even know what to think or how to feel.

"You're next cutie." But why? I still don't understand why this is happening. Why only me and my four best friends? And how? Are these people even from Earth? And if they're not, what cellular service are using in order to text me from outer space?

From the restroom, I did like I said I would and went to my next class, which was English, but I was out of it the entire time. Thankfully, there was no group work or anything. Our teacher just talked the entire time so my friends didn't notice. I'm honestly not sure whether I should tell them or not. They're already scared enough as it is and I don't want to tell them but I feel like I need to talk about this to someone.

Before I knew it, we were walking to lunch. "I heard we're having a pep rally after lunch." Willow said. "And what teacher told you that little miss teacher's pet?" Ariel teased. We walked continued walking to the cafeteria and I noticed a little piece of paper float by. For some reason, I decided to grab it and read what it said. "You're our little star. - S and A" I gulped and crumbled up the paper. "I'll be right back guys. I think I left my pencil bag in english." I told the girls. They nodded, not really paying attention to what I said and continued going to lunch. I just needed some time to think.

I did ended up going back to my now empty english class and sat down, reading the piece of paper over and over again. "Hi beautiful." I heard someone say from behind me. I quickly turned around but there was no one there. Feeling extremely on edge, I got up, got my things, and started running out of the classroom only for the door to the classroom to slam shut with two boys appearing in front of the door. "You're not going to say hi back?"

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