Chapter 1

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A/N - Hi everyone. I got this idea for this story and wanted to share it with you. I know people will ask this so this book will have a lot of tickling like my other books do the first few chapters don't, kind of like what happened with Too Cute. I hope you all enjoy! 

Sun rays from the window make it almost impossible for me to stay asleep as I toss around and ignore my ringing alarm. "Hope! Get up! It's the first day back!" My mom yells. I sigh and finally open my eyes, seeing the annoying yet beautiful sun shining through my window. I walk over to the window and notice how beautiful the weather is today. The little daisies on the lawn look happier than ever and the few clouds that are in the sky are nice and fluffy, popping out of the baby blue sky with a pretty white color. Everything looks so peaceful outside and for a short moment I almost forget what happened. For a little while, I almost forget that she's been missing for a week now. For a moment, everything feels normal. 

"Are you sure you're ready to go back to school today? You can stay home and recover for a little longer sweetie." My mom said as I looked through the pantry for a Cookies and Creme pop tart. "I'm fine mom. I have to go back eventually. Plus, the other girls are starting today too. I'll stick with them the entire time." I said, finally finding a pop tart and closing the pantry. "Okay. I'm trusting that you are actually okay." My mom said. "And if you need to leave school early or anything, just let us know." My dad added. "I will. I'll see you guys later." I said as I gave both of them hugs and walked to the bus stop. 

The bus ride to school was more uncomfortable than usual. Everyone was starring at me from the minute I got on. It only got worse when Ariel got on the bus and sat by me too. "Hey." She said as she sat down. I said hi back before giving her a hug. The whispers and gossip around us continued to get worse. 'I heard they know where she is.' 'I heard they're all faking it.' 'I heard she ran off with some college guy.' High school rumors never seem to make any real sense. "This isn't going to be easy." I sighed. "At least we don't have to go through it alone." Ariel said. 

When we got to school, Mercedes and Willow were already waiting for us at the front of the school. "My mom is so worried that I'm next, she wouldn't let me take the school bus." Mercedes said, rolling her eyes. "Same here." Willow said. People continued looking, staring, and pointing. "Hey! If you want I can take a picture and you can stare at that all you want!" Ariel yelled at some of the people, making them quickly walk away. "Calm down Ariel. Let's just ignore them and stick together." Willow said. So we all held each other's hands and walked into school, facing the scary unknown. 

"Do you guys remember everything from that night?" Ariel asked as we got our things from our lockers. "Let's not talk about it here. Please." Mercedes said. "We need to. We haven't talked since last week. And guys, I'm honestly scared." Willow admitted. "Me too." I said while the other girls nodded. 

"SHE'S SO GONE!" I belted out with my friends cheering me on in the background. We're going childhood songs karaoke and I of course had to bring back this Lemonade Mouth classic. "YOU CAN LOOK BUT YOU WONT SEE THE GIRL I USED TO BE CAUSE SHE'S, SHE'S SO GONE!" I yelled out, jumping up and down on Eloise's bed with the other girls, dancing like there's no tomorrow. We all fell on the bed giggling our heads off once the song was over. "You have some pipes on you girl." Eloise said. "Thanks." I blushed. "Maybe we should all drop out of school and start a rock band. Hope can be the lead singer. We'd make way more money than we are now." Mercedes suggested, throwing some popcorn in her mouth. "We're not making any money right now silly." I said. "Exactly." Mercedes said, making everyone laugh again. Everyone except Eloise. She was frowning down at her phone which she has been doing a lot lately. I have to know what's going on with her. "Eloise do you want to come help me get more popcorn so we can watch a movie?" I asked. She looked up from her phone and I could see true fear in her eyes but nonetheless, she nodded, putting her phone back in her pocket and following me downstairs. 

"Let's just focus on getting through the school day first. Nothing else." Mercedes said and we all nodded in agreement before we walked over to homeroom. 

"Welcome girls! I'm so glad to see you girls back in school again!" Our homeroom teacher Mrs Tanya told us as we walked in, still holding each others hands. "We're all praying for Eloise. She's going to be okay. I just know it." She continued. "Thank you." Ariel was the only one who could reply. I honestly felt a huge lump grow in my throat when she said "She's going to be okay." Because I'm not sure I believe that. 

I don't even believe I'm going to be okay. 

As we walked to our seats, we received more stares from our classmates. Then came the person I was dreading seeing most of all. 


"Crybabies." She mumbled as we walked past her desk, making her friends giggle. "What did you just say?" Ariel yelled, getting ready to slap her but Willow holds her back. "Um, I said crybabies. Why are you guys sad about Eloise? She hardly talked anyways." Victoria said, saying Eloise's name like it was some kind of disease. "She hardly talked to you because you're a bitch!" Ariel yelled. "Okay that's enough. Victoria, be a little more sensitive to what they're going through. Imagine if one of your friends went missing." Mrs. Tanya said. "She wouldn't care. Her heart is too small." I whispered, making my friends giggle as we all sat down in four desk next to each other in the back. Mrs. Tanya let us pick a movie to watch today in homeroom instead of reading. I know it's because she feels bad after hearing what we went through, which is funny because the only people who really know what we went through that night are me, Willow, Mercedes, Ariel, and of course Eloise. 


A/N - Comment down below what you guys think happened to Eloise! It will be hard to guess exactly what happened but I'll respond to anyone who comes close :)

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