13- Healing Wounds

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"That's sounds about right for this stage of the healing process. Why don't you take off the brace and I'll take a look at it, make sure everything's okay, and then I can show you how to apply this KT tape. It'll help with the pain," she says. I nod and undo the brace, slipping it off. The bruising is starting to get better now, but it's definitely still visible.

"Where would you say the worst of the pain is?" She asks. Hmm...

"Probably this side here because that's the way it was forced wrong and... here where-" I freeze, looking up at Miguel before I can say 'I was kneed and elbowed'. He hangs his head and I look back to my knee.

"Okay, I know the best way to do this. Watch me,"

Ms Diaz shows me how to apply the KT tape, using gentle hands and a nice tone as she instructs. Literally what happened to make Miguel beat me up like that at the tournament if this is the woman he was raised by?

"There you go. That should help, and icing it every night will too," she says. Nice... I'll have to pick up a roll on my way home tonight.

"Thank you, ma'am. What brand would you recommend I use? And do they make water proof versions? Part of some training I'm doing involves water and I don't want to fall behind," I ask. It's been painful and a little dangerous, but we're getting there.

"This brand is called (brand name idk) and it's waterproof and affordable. You're technically good to go for training, but I would recommend you take it easy," she says, smiling as she stands up. Oh yay!

"Thank you again Ms Diaz, it really means a lot," I say, standing up as well. I test my weight on my leg. I can definitely still feel the pain, but it's a noticeable improvement. This is great. Mr LaRusso and Robby and Sam are gonna love this.

"It's the least I could do after what happened at the tournament," she says, giving Miguel a pointed look. Huh... at least someone is truly apologetic... I nod a little.

"Alright, you kids have fun, and don't be home too late," Ms Diaz says, kissing the side of Miguel's head. Where are we going? We never got this far?

"No vayas a romperle la rodilla esta vez (Don't go break her knee this time)," his grandma says. An icon. This is amazing. Can I just stay and talk with his grandma? I think that would be about a million times more enjoyable.

"Yaya," Miguel says through gritted teeth. I can't help but laugh to myself.

"Él no se atrevería (he wouldn't dare)," I say, 100% serious, but keeping a laughing tone. She snickers. I love this.

"So... you ready?" Miguel asks. No. But I don't really have a choice now so...

"Yep," I respond. He walks out from behind the counter, leading the way to the door.

"Bye Ms and Ms Diaz!" I say just before we exit the door.

"Bye Parker!"


With that, we finally exit the apartment and Miguel closes the door behind us.

"You speak Spanish?" He asks. This is hilarious.

"My dad is Puerto Rican," I say simply, "so... where are we going? Wherever it is, it better have other people, because I'm not going to a sketchy forest where your Cobra Kai friends could drop out of trees or spring out of holes or something."

At this point, I don't know what to expect.

"I'm not gonna take you to a creepy forest, Parker. I've got a different idea. Can.. I drive?" He asks. I laugh a little. Him? Drive my car? After everything that's happened, both with my brothers in the past, and with him in general? ¿Perdón?

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