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Buildings crumbled, people screamed, laser blasts whizzed past her face. She drew her serrator, ready to defend her family. She saw her parents out of the corner of her eye, running forward towards the enemy, backed by several soldiers. She ran after them, gripping her weapon tight, eyes focused on her foe: General Val Morando.

The traitorous General screamed orders to his soldiers, his sharp teeth bared. He seemed more animal than man. He had his weapon held high over his head, like nothing could hurt him. Aja rushed at him, yelling, her blade poised to kill. He dodged with a cruel laugh, swinging his serrator her way. She barely managed to duck, yelping as he swung again. She kept on with her assault, determined to end the villain who threatened her home. She slashed again, and missed. She was sure she should have hit him by now. It was like he was a ghost or something.

The General slashed again, and she crumpled, wounded. She couldn't tell how bad it was, or really feel where it was, but she suddenly couldn't move. She watched as Morando turned on her parents, reaching with his bare hands towards their chests. She tried to yell, to scream, to tell him he better leave them alone, but she was unable to make a sound. Morando dug his hands into her mother and father and chuckled wickedly. How was he doing that? He couldn't possibly be strong enough to do that!

He started to pull, laughing maniacally. The world around them went dark and silent. Her parents didn't fight back. They just stood there.

Why weren't they fighting back?

They should be fighting back.

Why would they just let him do this to them?!

Why weren't they fighting back?!

Morando ripped their cores out of their bodies and crushed them, still laughing. Aja still couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't do anything to stop him. He turned towards her and grinned triumphantly.

Aja woke up with a jolt.

She blinked a couple of times and looked around the room Mother had given her, dark and silent. She sighed, pushing the nightmare to the back of her mind. Faint morning light streamed through the window, and if she listened hard enough, she could hear Varvatos quietly milling about the house, trying not to wake her or her brother. She curled up under the covers, trying to get a little bit more sleep before she had to get up and get ready for this human school she had to attend. Finding that she couldn't, she grudgingly arose, stretching as she made her way into the living room. The house Mother had designed as a disguise was actually kind of nice, in her opinion.

"My Royal, you are up early." Varvatos remarked upon seeing her sitting at the kitchen bar.

"Mmmhhmm." She mumbled, staring absently at the marble tabletop. She was putting off her transduction for as long as possible. Luug pawed at her leg, grring and rrrffing adorably. She remembered the nightmare and pushed it back again, putting her head down on the table. The cold marble was uncomfortable against her forehead, but she kept it there.

"Are you alright?" Varvatos asked.

"I'm fine. Just tired." Aja said plainly, not lifting her head. Then why did you get up early? She expected the commander to ask, but he didn't. The following silence was mildly awkward. Varvatos Vex was usually quite obnoxious and loud, and though the princess often wanted him to be quiet, his lack of words wasn't exactly calm, like most people. It was more tense, serious, like if he were to make a sound it would spoil his ambush plan or something.

Why does he always behave like he's in battle? Or about to be? She lifted her head and stared at him, though he didn't see it because he was busy messing with the light switch, which was by far too small for his large, three-fingered hands. She figured she might have laughed, had she been in a better mood. She watched him struggle for several minutes before finally walking over and turning the light on herself, which earned her no more than a disgruntled mumble from the taller Akiridion.

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