"I do," Kyle said, though the look he gave her made it clear he was thinking of doing something completely different from watching a movie. The next moment, he leaned forward and kissed Stephanie on the lips, and she didn't hesitate to kiss him back. His lips were warm and soft, and tasted of sweet and sour chicken.

"...I'm pretty sure this isn't a movie," Stephanie pointed out with a smirk the moment he pulled away, their faces still rather close together.

"See if I care," Kyle said, taking his and Stephanie's food containers and placing them on the bedside table. The next moment he practically lunged at Stephanie, pressing her into the bed, and she giggled as she wound her arms around his neck.

They didn't leave the bed for several hours after that.


It was getting pretty late now, and Stephanie knew Lydia was probably wondering where she was. She eventually decided, later that night, as she and Kyle were cuddling together on his couch in front of the TV, finally watching the movie they had forgotten about earlier, that she should probably text her to let her know where she was. Stephanie was hesitant to admit to her friend what was currently happening between her and Kyle, but she knew it was necessary to tell her the truth. Especially since Lydia would see right through her if she lied.

"You're telling Lydia about us?" Kyle asked, a smile spreading across his face as he looked down at Stephanie's phone. His arm was stretched out behind her on the back of the couch, her body pressed up against his side while a warm blanket spread out over both of their laps. Stephanie had to admit, this all felt very cozy, and she would be content to sit here with Kyle all night long

"I feel like I have to," Stephanie grimaced, gazing down at her phone. "If I'm going to be staying here this weekend, she's going to be wondering where I am when I don't come home."

"I know you're worried about how to talk to your friend, but I'm just so happy at the fact that you've agreed to stay the weekend with me," Kyle nuzzled his nose against Stephanie's hair, smiling, and Stephanie smiled too.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," she said, turning to look into Kyle's eyes to convey her sincerity. He gazed back at her, the affection in his expression undeniable as he leaned forward to kiss her on the lips.

After a few blissful moments, Stephanie finally pulled away, turning back to her phone with resolve. "Alright... so I'll just text her where I am, and then not respond when she texts me back. I can talk to her when I see her on Monday."

Stephanie typed out on her phone: 'Hey Lydia, i wont be around this weekend. Im staying with Kyle. See u on Monday.'

Happy with the short message, Stephanie hit send before moving to place her phone facedown on the coffee table, determined not to look at it again. The moment before she could set it down, however, it began to buzz persistently in her hand with an incoming call. 

From Lydia.

"Dammit," Stephanie murmured, frowning down at her caller ID. "Why does she have to be so fast at reading texts?"

Before Stephanie could decide whether she should answer or not, Kyle suddenly snatched her phone from her hand.

"Hey! Wha -?" she sputtered, trying to grab her phone back, but Kyle quickly pressed Answer and brought the phone to his ear, out of Stephanie's reach.

"Hello, Stephanie's phone," he greeted brightly, smirking at Stephanie's scowl. "Yes, this is him... and yes, I believe she told you she would be staying with me over the weekend."

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