"Chapitre 15" : A certain Romance

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Ever since that happened between us multiple times . The eye contact , the connection. I couldn't stop thinking about Leo , I felt myself slipping away, my heart staying still while my mind told me to be overjoyed and existed. All thoughts of Leo - his brown eyes , his body pressed up against mine - all of those throughs slipped away . But the instant of iron moves and warm hands entered my mind and I found myself comparing the two men that I had found myself attracted to .

Leo didn't smiled much, but it wasn't that I minded, iron , he would simply acknowledge me and then leave without telling me that we have a study session that is high of importance. When I comforted him about it he had told me that I should not be worry about his girlfriend cause he doesn't have one , I suspended that that was only half of the truth but a part of me was glad because whenever I was in the presence of iron I kept rethinking my emotions.
Every time I caught a glimpse of him, Or when his silvery gaze caught mine, or when I caught him looking at me longer than necessary - all of that would make my heart jump , it would make it beat faster and weirdly enough it didn't hurt . It made me feel giddy, excited and even a little flustered. But when i thought about Leo I couldn't come up with one reason as to why I would dislike him. Sure he didn't have the same effects on me as iron did but he was extremely charming and sweet.
It's just that when I get a glimpse of Leo doubts about my feelings that seemed to grow the hour for iron filed into my mind.
There was an unexplained attraction that I felt for iron . I felt drawn to him, connected as if he were my other half . Feeling loved with his hands every time I'm going to fall , or the way he keep admiring my eyes . something about him just clicked. In both the spiritual manner and the physical manner . But everything was so smooth, so lovely, so admiring. That I though any feelings for Leo was useless. It was a waste of time and emotion.
I was sitting on my chair , feeling his arm glide up mine , touching my hair slowly and gently , his chocolate brown eyes Now resembling a dark chocolate colour, my train of thought about where my feelings truly lay , Leo or iron .
I was confused till one of my pick up lines comes in my mind and my fingers were written it gently on a small peace of paper . Hearing the calming voice in my head "give it to him". I turned slowly with my cheeks blushing and my perfume touching his noise, I throw the paper to him without breaking the eye contact , "you're eyes are beautiful " , he whispered, his breath tingling with his eyes capturing every inch of my face into a passionate contact . My body was already slotted against his , I turned back breathing heavily, And smiled back .
The paper was given to him by accident , through it was a beautiful accident.
Next time , he was behind me sitting again , I was minding my business until I felt his hands were stroking down my hair. After few seconds I had used to collect my breath , his voice laced with concern lending me a peace of paper "do you remember this " ,  I teased his concern with a smile , my lips lifting up slightly as I turned my neck to look at him . His brown eyes were already looking at me , this time a wind of silence was hitting , "yes I do ", he smiled back " I still have it " , with a choking expression raising my eyebrows looking at him slowly my head tilts ,"why ?" , he answered without breaking eye contact ."it's from you , I wanted to last forever".
There was a short silence and it was iron who broke it when he said, his voice holding a tentative edge to it, "turn back I want to play with your hair ", his words sent my heart to heaven . I didn't dare speak, slightly afraid that my mouth would disobey my mind and blurt out something ridiculous. So I let the silence be my answer , just like that . I felt the heavy pressure in my head leaving slowly at the moment he was braiding my hair .

By time , I couldn't forget about none of what was that . The connection between us .
I was visiting mrs jacker it's lesi's uncle and he's a psychologist and more than that he's our friend , he always keep listening to us and share with us some of his hopeful advices . I couldn't shut down about what happening cause I hadn't an answer of being attracted to two mans.

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