Chapter 4

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We're at breakfast, but we start to wonder because my friends haven't shown up yet. We begin to wonder and I forgot my phone in my room, but he always has his. He calls up Aurora first "hey are you awake?" he asks while I sip my coffee. He puts her on speaker "oh good morning, I've had a long night honestly. I couldn't sleep hardly" she says sounding all groggy and I mouth to him 'drunk'. I chuckle "Honey it's me, do you want some tylenol for the headache?" I ask her with a concerned voice. "oh would you mind? That would be very helpful and I'll tell you what happened last night too" she says "good deal. I'll be there shortly" I say he hangs up. "Poor Aurora I wonder what happened to her" as I say that both Molly and Babe come and sit down in front of us. "she...." Babe starts to talk "she..." Molly too, "ok are either of you going to tell us what's going" Patrick says." They look at each other like something bad happened. "Patrick, can you excuse us please? We need to talk to your wife in private" Molly starts off, but then Babe finishes the sentence. "Sure. Baby I'll see you later" I kiss him knowing that he'll try and stop me because we don't hide stuff from each other. The kiss worked for now, as I walk with them to Babe's room. They don't even talk while we're walking either. 

As we're walking to the room, Patrick goes to guest service to ask the rooms for Andy, Joe and Pete are. "Hello can you tell me where Andy, Joe and Pete's rooms are?" he asks so poiletly. They gave him the room numbers "awesome thanks so much" the teller stops him, "hey where's the Mrs" he asks because both of us are joined at the hip. Patrick giggles "she's with her friends but while on that subject, I have a surprise for her, but since I'm here would you mind helping me?" The guy looks thrilled but also a little scared. "sure Mr Stumph" Patrick tells him his plans for me tonight, meanwhile I'm in the room with my girls. 

"Hey here's the meds you requested" I handed her the bottle, while the other two sit down, and I grab a seat myself. "Are any of you going to tell me what's up" I ask the room with Aurora sitting up. "We know you and Patrick tell each other everything, however, this can not leave this room!" Molly says firmly. I cross my heart "yes I know I tell him everything, but not everything. He doesn't know you have a baby" I tell Molly and going around the room about the other girls situations. "He doesn't know about your parents, Aurora, he for sure doesn't know you did time, Babe. I can keep secrets from him" I say with a smile. They look at each other again. "I was at the bar last night, and Pete came to see me. We were talking, and go very drunk, one thing lead to another. He offers to walk me back to my room, and he undressed me..." I weigh in "he fucked you?"  I say quietly because of her headache. She nods in a delivish look. I stand up and pace around. I hug her. "Wait what" Molly says as all three are confused. "Do you have any idea how long I've waited for him to finally cheat on his girlfriend? This is so perfect" they are still confused "honey, are you ok" Babe asks in a concerned voice. "Yes I'm fine, I need to back track just a bit. Before we booked the cruise, Patrick and I were at Pete's place, when he was cooking for her. She came down waving her arms around like she's running a marathon. We were in the living room while she's walking pass. She didn't even see us, so she goes to the kitchen where Pete is, and we hear a loud bang. Not a gun shot but something fell, so we went to look what happened. We see Pete on the floor hurt, with her holding a very hot pan almost going to hit him with it. I help Pete get on his feet, while Patrick stops her from hitting him. We knew that Pete and her didn't match very well, but Patrick did try to talk to him about her like years before they became serious. It didn't work, we left after we knew that Pete is alright, we left for home but before we even leave the driveway I burst out crying, and Patrick is holding me. It's ok girls we both know that his girlfriend isn't cut out for him. I'm going to tell him when I see him, but I'm so proud of you for fucking him" I say with a smile on my face. 

I leave their room to find Patrick, I look everywhere for him but he's no where to be found. I gave up, and went to the room to grab my bag with swim wear and extra clothes, I head up to the spa for a hot sauna. Before I left, I write a note for him telling him where I am and if I'm still there, I'm waiting for him. I also drew me naked with a heart. I put it on his guitar because that's the first thing he checks to make sure it's not stolen. I leave the room feeling 'naked' without my man next to me, so I took a deep breath and walked up to the elevators and up to the spa. I made sure nobody is following me either, which nobody is thankfully. I go to the bathroom to strip off and robe up for the sauna. I'm the only one there for now, so I just sit down and relax. I start humming Fall Out Boy songs when someone comes in, this sauna is girls only so I'm ok with that. However, this girl seems to be either attracted to me or just wants more warmth. She didn't exactly sit next to me either, but she is wearing goggles, too, so it may be she can't see. I just let it go, I'm there for just a few more minuets anyway then I'm off. I go back to humming, but the girl gets annoyed that she blurts out in a language I don't understand. I simply said "I'm sorry I'll stop" hoping she understands, but it's time to leave. I go out and head to the bathroom where the lockers are where my bag is. I head there and I see him my sexy lover from behind. I say "baby where are you going" he turns around and comes to me pins me on the wall and kisses me. We start to make out, I'm still in my robe, haven't made it to the locker yet. We get stopped by the people who run the spa. "Excuse me, this place isn't for that. If you do it again or get caught. You both are banned from this spot" she yells in her accent. We stop, and apologize to her. "babe I'm gonna go change" I say to him. "I'll way by the elevator" she's still there, and I can tell he's annoyed by her attitude. 'Frankly I don't blame him for being annoyed by her or anybody. This is our second honeymoon or so I gather'. I say in my head while I change and grab my bag and head for the elevators. I don't see him at first until I come around the corner. He grabs me kind of hard too. "Ow baby!" I shout but not too loud. "Are they still there" I sneak a peek "yes but they're talking to each other not even looking this way" I get closer to him and I feel something poking me down there. I look down and chuckle "well Mr your horny" I say bluntly. I kiss him so good. "Wait lets go back to our room" I look down. "Honey no put him down first before we move" I ask "darling....I kinda can't" I just bust out laughing. "You'll just have to walk in front of me" he says. I do as he puts his hand down my pocket.

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